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Everything posted by welch79

  1. i definitely think it is more than just hype, but what i'm not sure about is its [vinyl] effect on everyone. if you prefer digital, have no issue with the sound, etc., i wouldn't say that's a bad thing. i guess what i'm trying to say is that it's subjective: subject to preference. in my opinion, as you've stated, i find vinyl more warm and inviting. there are things i hear on vinyl that will not necessarily rise to the surface via digital. where digital trumps vinyl is convenience, like listening on the go, but where vinyl trumps digital is the whole process of listening and devoting yoursel
  2. good advice. thanks. and, i'm definitely familiar with differences between recordings and live shows. i'm sure there are other bands that are similar, but the mmj recordings i've listened to, i guess more so the earlier stuff, sound really murky which would be very different from the way it sounds live. another format that may lend itself to the enjoyment of mmj recordings may be vinyl? for instance, a friend gave me the fleet foxes debut a couple years ago. he was blown away by it, and we have similar, although not exact, musical taste. he, for example, really likes mmj. well, i gave it
  3. i can't stop laughing about this...
  4. i've tried to like these guys. granted, i've never seen them live, which i hear is a must. there are tracks that catch my attention, like evelyn's not real off tennesee fire (is that right?), el caporal off of dark was the night, and same in any language from the elizabethtown soundtrack (as "ruckus" the band in the movie). was it this thread where i was reading that one person's stumbling block is the production of the albums being "off?" that sorta grabbed my attention too, like, i think, i'm not quite sure why some of these albums sound the way they do, but then really come alive live.
  5. i'm glad to hear that you all have a high opinion of this show. i began watching this when it started b/c i'm a joel mchale fan, but it just didn't grab me. maybe it sputtered a bit starting off? anyway, i may have to get caught up on dvd and pick this back up. unrelated (but alluded to in this thread): i thought last night's office was a nice ending point for the show. the reason why i bring this point up is that maybe i will replace watching the office (and just imagine it over) with community. i get lost when i try to follow too many shows.
  6. i live just south of knoxville, and while we didn't have the kind of weather northern alabama had, we were getting the same storms, just downstream after possibly weakening a bit. wednesday evening, beginning at 4pm, my county was issued its first tornado warning. that warning was set to expire at 4:30...but ended up getting extended several times until, ultimately, the last warning expired at 1am. that was nerve-wracking to say the least, and i was exhausted from the stress of that all day thurs. we weathered five super cell storms with a hook echo which tells meteorologists, etc., that
  7. i have to be honest...i had to look up what a rickroll is. this is the primary (and most times, only) board i read, so maybe it's a good thing i've never been rickrolled? i think that's a compliment to this community.
  8. (i read that post several times too trying to make sense of it)
  9. EPIC THREAD i believe this is what analogman is referring to?
  10. remember the mtn bed - wilco/bragg hallelujah - jeff buckley's version friends - ryan and the cards swept away (sentimental) - the avett bros. wild horses - the rolling stones she talks to angels - the black crowes
  11. well, i wanted to snag the ryan and cards class mythology, but wasn't lucky enough. those that got it...is it worth anything? i grabbed a copy of nickel creek's debut, along with some other vinyl. i dropped about $100. my wife and i were talking about how this is prob a huge shot in the arm for the local record stores, so kudos to them. as for the ppl buying rare titles and selling them for double or even triple the retail on ebay...whatever. there's no avoiding this. i mean, i wish folk wouldn't resort to this, but hell, there's a market, and those records will sell for double and tripl
  12. i tried my best not to watch the music segment...i kinda wanna go into this next record cold. i ended up watching it, and great song. who knows? maybe this won't be on the album and i'll still get my wish. glad i checked it out. btw...did anybody else think that the strombo dude didn't get the response he thought he would after mentioning the bon jovi quote? i thought that strombo thought that tweedy would agree with bon jovi. of course, tweedy played contrarian.
  13. i recently dove down this wormhole...vinyl and vintage audio equipment in general. i dredged up an awesome dd/quartz lock technics tt from '81, a great sounding technics amp from '81 to play the tt through and a decent pair of polk bookshelf r15's to deliver the goods, all for around $200 (oh and not to mention about a grand on vinyl itself...damn it's addicting).
  14. i had many a lovely time with the bends. actually i once got into an argument with another radiohead fan b/c i was lamenting the fact that the bends was the "bend in the road" for them ( a turning point, sonically, before ok), and that there are no more albums like the bends. i'll admit, ok computer was pretty damn special too, so w/o the bends, who knows. again, on topic, i jammed to the bends while commuting and it transported me several times outta the crap day i was having, and before i knew it, my 45 min drive was over...and, sadly, my listening experience was too.
  15. i'm looking forward to the nickel creek eponymous and pj's vitalogy. this'll be my first year involved since i've just gotten back into vinyl (since leaving it for cassettes at five).
  16. also...i drink mine straight black.
  17. found it...and there are two upcoming releases: 92) Ryan Adams & The Cardinals Class Mythology EP (2x7" 1 yellow, 1 orange) (2500 copies with poster and sticker, features 4 unreleased outtakes from the Cardinology era) that one is for record store day. and (on pitchfork): "Adams is also currently working on a new album with producer Glyn Johns (the Who, the Rolling Stones)."
  18. i think he is touring behind the solo tracks that he recorded over the winter, but i think the rsd realease is with the cards...maybe from the cardinology sessions?
  19. just read this thread...somehow missed it. timely too, because on holidays (i'm on spring break), i use the bodum french press, and i've been using mine all week! co-winky. i buy whole beans from somewhere in latin america (i like the volcanic soil acidity), grind them at home and brew with a pinch of salt. i did learn from this thread (and will try tomorrow morning) to prep the french press with a bit of hot water before adding the ground coffee. i currently use an electric grinder, but i want a hand grinder. anybody have any experience with a hand grinder (for coffee)?
  20. 10/08/1979 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIHuzngTWbE i actually like that this was the #1 when i was born!
  21. i grabbed this the other day. the clear vinyl is cool, although a gold color would have been more fitting (or red, white'n blue). can't wait to snag pneumonia as well, and that will be a perfect color for that album (clear). i read somewhere that ryan and the cards were, in addition to touring...europe, rumored to be putting out more "vault" stuff on record store day this year, on pax-am. anybody else read/heard?
  22. welch79

    Wilco Vinyl

    oh, i'm gonna have to go grab that...it's 20 bucks more expensive, plus tax, here locally. i'm just getting back into vinyl and have yhf and bt...need me some more wilco!
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