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Everything posted by welch79

  1. i must suggest, strongly, that you remedy this. high violet is nothing short of incredible. rockin performance of a song i wasn't expecting (i expected bloodbuzz). yes, it was sufjan, who also performed this song with them here in knoxville at the big ears festival this past march. btw...there is a concert being webcast via youtube this saturday night. link here:
  2. trudat. i do find myself really liking laundry room especially b/c of the last minute banjo jam. anybody seen the tiny desk music concert they played for npr?? awesomeness!
  3. YES!! Cool packaging though (despite the "tightness").
  4. reading this thread has made me spin yhf so that i hear reservations which, i believe, is a perfect way to close the album. honestly, i can't imagine any track in any different place on the album, and i most definitely cant describe any of the album as "cheezy." it's neat to hear that people have disdain for material that i hold dear: kamera, for instance, someone mentioned as not liking very much. the clarity that kamera offers is a figurative "zoom" into focus after a blurry drink from the aquarium. hmd, to me, is in line with the natural crescendo that yhf has, culminating with i'm the man
  5. i'll say. "i was afraid i'd eat your brains b/c i'm evil" "i still owe money to the money to the money i owe" "don't leave my hyper heart alone on the water" "with my shining blue star spangled tennis shoes on i'm afraid of everyone" "and we can say that we invented a summer lovin torture party" ...just to name a few...
  6. i've had a high quality rip for 3-4 weeks now and have listened to it at least once a day ever since i got it (oftentimes multiple spins). got my physical copy yesterday, pretty cool packaging but alas no violet ticket, and i'm loving being able to crank it loud now that i have full quality... i still CAN'T get enough of this album! it is really scratching me right where i itch. i had also preordered on itunes to get the two bonus tracks. to be honest though, i haven't even listened to them.
  7. sucks to be you. granted, it is a diff direction, but great in its own right.
  8. i very rarely buy digital only. I prefer to have cd's for the liner notes, art, etc., and also it just feels more like an investment. I also like the backup potential of just pulling a cd off the shelf and ripping it again (even though i time machine). there are times where i sample music from torrents, and grab live shows esp., and if i like the digital stuff i d/l, i throw dollars at it, and purchase the full cd. i really dislike the "itunes a la carte" approach to music, but i'm glad that we have bands that still give thought to sequencing, to thematic elements, and to album creation
  9. i love all those songs solace listed from alligator and boxer. i also love cardinal song, theory of the crows and most of cherry tree. right now, sorrow is up there on top with all my past favorites. not too far behind is terrible love and bloodbuzz. i am trying to digest all the imagery in matt's lyrics. good stuff. i can't wait for a full quality version to spin in my headphones.
  10. i found sun kil moon while listening to pandora a couple years ago and grabbed up ghosts of the great highway and the ep that went along with that. then april came out, i grabbed it, loved it, and decided to check out the red house painters...with not as much luck. the thing about it is, in sun kil moon, mark's voice sounds more elegant, less nasal to me. there are some good rhp tracks that i've found i like, but i don't dig it near as much as skm. those of you more seasoned rhp fans, what do you think? anyway, this is great news.
  11. i agree, radiokills, it was good on fallon, and some are complaining about the production on the album, but i'm with you, i like it a lot!
  12. with some deeper digging on the interwebz, i found the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/25/magazine/25national-t.html and, it is supposed to be streaming starting @ 8:30am EST, but it's not active yet. 9:01 am EDIT: well, sock me sideways...it's now active. 9:28 EDIT: shoot. the stream does not allow you to spin the entire track.
  13. i know the album is supposed to be streaming from the nyt' website today, but i am not finding it...anybody found it there yet who can help a brother locate the stream??
  14. ok, so has anyone had the privilege of hearing the promos of high violet that (i've read) are already in circulation???
  15. holy cow...how awesome would it be to live at the top of the fox?!?
  16. yeah, he used my seat as a step down onto solid ground before climbing back onstage. i thought for sure he was going to fall onto me.
  17. spiders in the acoustic set: great, great show in a great, great venue. the sound wasn't the best i've heard, but, hell, considering they played for nearly three hours, i consider that neither here nor there. it was my ninth show, and i heard some songs i had never heard live: can't stand it, nothing'severgonna... and a couple tracks from w(ta). i liked the new arrangement for casino queen as well. and i am partial to knoxville shows as well, jff. last april's was top notch, and the first time i ever saw them was in knoxville at the tennessee (which of course is my favorite show).
  18. good show in that they played all the tracks to be found on their upcoming may release high violet. all those tracks sounded great live...makes me want the album even more! they also sprinkled in a few oldies but goodies: mistaken for strangers, about today, secret mtg, slow show all stand out in my memory. for those of you who have seen them live before: is the period between songs always filled with awkward silence? maybe that was an anomaly of last night's festival ending set. also, matt berninger truly believes "all the wine is all for me." he must have drank a bottle and a half durin
  19. About to hear them in Knoxville (of all places). Can't wait to hear the new stuff...
  20. Wilco @ The Fox, 26 Mar (went on @ 8:23) W(tS) IATTBYH Bull Black YAMF 1Wing Shot Seeds Deeper Nothingsevergonnastandinmywayagain Wishful Thinkin Germany CA  Poor Places (acoustic) Spiders Far, Far Away "Rock shows don't have enough raffles." You & I Lammy Cat War Hesitating Beauty (w/John on the stand up bass) Casino Queen "I'll accept this as an apology" Passesnger Side (end acoustic set) Airline Via Chicago Handshake You Never Know HMD Can't Stand It "We'll go with Yoda: Doing well you are?" Jesus, etc. (crowd sang 2/3 w/o Jeff) Theologians Hate It Here Walken I'm the Man... I'm a W
  21. welch79


    weird. i could have written this! my sentiments exactly. weird.
  22. the first time through the album, bull black nova did not lunge at me. then, my friend texted me and said, "bull black nova BEEEYAAATCHESSSS!!!" he is a trusted source, so i gave it another spin... wow. this is probably my favorite track, but only b/c it is gonna kick some major ass live. period. thematically, from a lyrical standpoint, it reminds me of "hell is chrome." from a musical standpoint, it reminds me of "spiders." mayhap, this song is their lovechild? i kid, but that brings up another thought i had: this [wilco (the album)] seems to me at least to be a very cumulative pi
  23. man...i have a buddy that is all the time looking for the end of s'thing great...like having a great evening and they'll say, "man, this is fun! don't want to go home!" of course, that is a mild example, and there are heavier examples, but they would probably be lost on you, the collective audience, b/c you don't have the context of our relationship, but i mention it b/c some of you may have a similar friend/acquaintance...at the very least, you've read the primary post of this thread, which seems to be in the same vein... ...but speakin a veins, let's just put a shot in this one, and enjoy
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