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Everything posted by welch79

  1. mark's got another live album out, if you're interested. the flac d/l is only $7.99 from caldoverderecords.com. i like it, but i'm a big fan fwiw. you can listen to a couple tracks free to get a flavor.
  2. joel mchale is a class act. gervais was obnoxious for the globes.
  3. nope. unless you want to waste two more hours. i agree with what someone else said: ultimately disposable. someone mentioned the king's speech being predictable...it's more or less a biopic, so it's going to be a bit "predictable" (it's history after all). the acting by colin firth really made that movie what it was, in my opinion. his acting coupled with the chemistry he shared with geoffrey rush. plus, hell, it's just a great story, right? a man with a debilitating stutter overcomes it to be the king of england in a turbulent time in which they needed some leadership. i also enjoyed ho
  4. i can't stop spinning that song.
  5. i think that IS the review...they did that for another album too: posted a vid of a chimp masturbating or something. anybody recall that review?
  6. i let you guys talk me into buying this album. glad i listened!! you all have rarely steered me wrong. this is a good album and quite a departure from what i know of them (which is a good thing because i had tired of them as a passive fan...apologies to trueblues). what a roll call of guests on here!
  7. man, that is unfortunate...did you get sick offa ipa's? that happened to me and whiskey...i can't even be in a room when a bottle is opened or i get queasy (maybe you can return the "that's unfortunate" remark that i tossed your way at the beginning of my post). i love dfh ipa's. also stone ruination. that's what i've been on lately.
  8. agreed, every time i "resort" to using itunes through scarce availability or "digital exclusivity," it's always temporary if i can help it...meaning, i'll always spring for a physical copy if and when i find one.
  9. i think i'll celebrate this album's release by putting on ok computer.
  10. i got a good, unexpected laugh from this line. thanks and well played! as far as my story with the bike, in 1981 at 20 months old, i placed my right hand into the spokes of an exercise bike (the old-school kind with the spoked front wheel) being ridden by my grandmother in my uncle's playroom/workout room. long story short, i have nine fingers. thankfully, this early-life nightmare didn't cause me to shy away from the most efficient machine ever built. i ride thousands of miles on my bike each year. it's a cool story to have actually, and i have fun making up tales about how i "real
  11. any of you ever heard of her? she's only 21 apparently but these two albums would seem to belie that fact. i've recently come across her and on a whim bought her most recent album, "tell me," that she released last week. after three solid days in heavy rotation, i had to go get her first release "with blasphemy so heartfelt." check her out.
  12. the groove for me and radiohead was ok-->kid a-->amnesiac. nothing they put out after that reached me like those three did, and i did not particularly take to rainbows. i admire these guys, don't get me wrong, and i'll be checking this out.
  13. see them live and try not to be overwhelmed. my buddy handed me emotionalism when it came out and it just sat in my car and collected dust (what is this? bluegrass?). then he conned me into going to see them at a small venue in town, and i was hooked. i've seen them ten times since and have tickets to several shows this year. great writing and passion for performance are what do it for me.
  14. this came with the virginia ep and i tried to watch it when i got it...but never finished it. awful. agreed that a more straightforward approach to document the band would be much appreciated.
  15. my top three: the avett brothers, nashville, ryman 29,30 oct josh rouse, knoxville, square room wilco, atl, the fab fox i will be seeing the avetts again in asheville on 30, 31 dec. so i will toss caution to the wind and say that will be right up there too.
  16. did you make it through that?? i heard about it on npr so i went and perused it at my local bookstore. i ended up not getting it because it felt rather text book-ish, both in length and tone. i like bryson, and have read "mother tongue" and listened to a walk in the woods. this may be another audiobook purchase. the topic is interesting to me, and bryson has a sense of humor i appreciate.
  17. some may dismiss it, but on a whim whilst christmas shopping at target, i picked up a copy of and read a large chunk of it just standing there in the book aisle, laughing my ass off. i was a facebook fan of this guy, and got an occasional laugh out of the statuses. anyway, halpern does a good job of weaving those one-liners of his dad into a personal life-spanning memoir that was a brief but really enjoyable read.
  18. i was alive and kicking in the 80s (born in '79), and even listening to music on my own (my parents always had it on, and i inherited that from them...always being aware of music). i bring that up b/c i wanted to mention that i was around for born in the usa, but i still don't see why so many folk love, love, LOVE springsteen. i can appreciate that he has talent, don't get me wrong, and i've tried to like his stuff...i just can't. you know, as i see these replies, it strikes me that the difference is personal impact. i can see myself, in a different life/upbringing/situation, really diggi
  19. totally, 100% agreed after some initial misgivings. as some dude on a blog wrote (paraphrasing b/c now i don't remember where i found it), "this is not a good place to start with ryan, but any fan who was devoted time to him would definitely have a hole in their collection if they passed on this outing." it's a damn shame that the cardinals and ryan parted ways. who knows why? i'm sure there were good/bad reasons. but what a damn good band, the cardinals with ryan out front. surely, surely they will reunite one of these days.
  20. sounds similar to my experience on how i came to like nirvana. it was such an exciting time of musical transitioning, both in my taste and in the world.
  21. high violet expanded edition came out last week...grab the tracks a la carte via itunes. there are some gems there.
  22. loads of folk around knoxville are crazy for the dirty guv'nahs...but i've yet to hear em. i should prolly get on that...
  23. i know i'm probably going to get attacked, but dallas is my team. i spent my childhood there watching "jerry's kids" own the league (early 90s). needless to say, they are disappointing the hell out of me with their penalties...no thanks to the stay-puft marshmallow man as their coach. BUT...each game they have lost, they have a) beaten themselves, had a stupendous, like 100+ yds in penalties, c) only been outscored by seven points at the most. they have so much talent... i am happy that mcnabb is doing well with the redskins. that franchise has needed some life for a while. (i am an nfc
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