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Everything posted by welch79

  1. no, you don't suck, but cosmo for men, i mean, men's health does.
  2. eh... i'm sticking around with or without 'em although i appreciate the cd w/the wilco book. there are a coupla gems there. give me i am trying... dvd (but you can keep sunken treasure). really looking forward to the bonus dvd w/ sbs. you know, it's been said before, but how generous is this band? are there/were there any other binds quite like this with their material? i don't know of any...
  3. welch79


    i'll go with this statement. i really like a.m. however.
  4. pretty intriguing line to end on huh? that plane was found and there were no survivors. looks like locke is popping back up next episode. strong.
  5. 3/16/2006 @ the tennessee theatre right here in my backyard (knoxville). freakin' amazin' show, my buddy and I had tickets in something like 3rd row balcony, with which we were pleased. Right before wilco took the stage, we saw one of his buddies down on the fifth row, motioning us to come down. now there was a real dilemma...go down to the fifth row where his buddy had two extra seats or stay and watch the first song. needless to say, i heard airline to heaven walking down from the balcony to the third row. i have since been to one other wilco show and two other tweedster shows. i wil
  6. i think, now don't throw stones at me, that the tote is more for the fans of the female persuasion... i am only saying this b/c i'm a dude and i have no interest in this, but my wife, who's a girl, seems to like the idea.
  7. i like it...esp. the parts about jay/chewie and fricke/cornelius. thanks for the laugh.
  8. forgot to post what i got yesterday via ticketmaster... B-3L, row E, seats 9-11 they're in the box section, last row. somebody tell me if these are any good? on the chart, they appear fairly close...
  9. well, that's the way we're supposed to feel about thr others b/c we are "seeing" things through the lens of the losties...
  10. so...these tickets aren't on sale yet. and we have no info on when they are to go on sale yet, either. right? were these in the presale?
  11. can't wait to hear these songs live! this increases my appreciation for the album.
  12. these last five episodes are going to be pretty good, i feel. this is good. in the middle of the season, while the show was on hiatus, i had lost interest. it took me a while to get back into it (thanks to tivo). i have to think that, while i said that i mistrust juliette, i know that she doesn't really like ben for how he has treated her in the situation. so maybe she isn't following ben's plan to a t. that's what the writers want us to think.
  13. so... the plane crash was accidental, meaning "the others" didn't cause it? at least that was my impression of it from this episode. i felt like i was watching a totally different show tonight. different characters, different plot now. i hope they go somewhere with this. and, is juliet jack's judas? or ben's?
  14. i think the primary problem here (aside from moral depravity in general) is the media, sensationalism and media oversaturation. this may be a stretch here, but can you all remember when there was local news then national news right after? no cnn, no fox, no msnbc, no whatever channel that relayed "news" 24/7. mtv played only music, back before the whole reality tv stuff... you know, i was just remarking to my wife this morning that, as a joke, i was telling her about the verdict in the anna nicole paternal suit...about larry birkhead being dannielynn's father. she said who? as if i wa
  15. crap...totally forgot about presale. i need 3 for indy. i can't make it to atl. i guess i'll try ticketmaster on friday. sucks to be me.
  16. great album. i highly recommend it as well.
  17. dear paul and bjorn, please listen to uncle tupelo. you owe it to yourselves. try beginning with anodyne and working backwards. thanks.
  18. now this one can be deleted by walken.
  19. agreed. for some reason, however, i'm drawn to his character...or maybe i'm more drawn to his character and how it relates to walt who i'm really interested in... i just don't want them to be gone for good. i want more closure than they sailed off into the blue.
  20. what the heck! the wilco date is not up on the atlanta venue's website...
  21. nice site, tenderloin. i'm finding out all kinds of cool stuff today... back to the topic, i guess we don't know what happened to michael and walt, save that they cruised their way to freedom. or did they? maybe the others intercepted and they're still around. that would be an intriguing storyline. does anybody know if they are still listed in the cast?
  22. i can see myself getting a kick out of this as well. when you get analyzed, let me know what they say...it may save me some money.
  23. that's good info, nobody. as i was scanning the list, i saw wilco's may 15 release of...blue sky blue. i didn't know that was the title. oh wait. that's the second disc in the release with all those demos and cuts that didn't make sky blue sky, innit?
  24. dude! i totally didn't know about that site. well that solves that little conundrum... learn somethin new everyday.
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