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Everything posted by froggie

  1. anyone up for a trade for the soundboard version?..
  2. cool pics!. the girl on the 2nd last one in the red singlet would be perfect for a "what are they thinking?" thread
  3. Happy birthday Mr T from the land downunder! thanks for everything you've done
  4. its usually a matter of personal taste..i prefer Golden Smog myself
  5. i think only an audience recording of it exists, from memory. i can send you a copy if you PM me your address
  6. not from hollywood, but here's mikael..
  7. froggie

    Volume 101

    thanks for the heads up.. looks good. on a side note, anyone got volume 84 (detroit, 2 jul 2003) up for trade?. looks like a really good one
  8. > When I went to a psychiatrist, help arrived almost overnight i noticed that didnt do anything for me except for play with my head even more. maybe i picked the wrong one but it felt like he was out to annoy me even more... for example, asking the same question 3 times in a row. things like "yes, but.... ", even though it answered truthfully the first time
  9. i invited jenna fischer but she didnt turn up
  10. misunderstood -> no more poetry heavy metal drummer -> chinese apple i also kid you not
  11. i went through the same thing in 1998. they put me on Zoloft (50mg i think it was) for nearly a year. it seemed to have worked. one of the side effects is actually farting - maybe thats how it actually works, since i find the subject funny the doc wanted to renew the prescription, but i never got around to going to the chemist to get another batch that reminds me, i was meant to have my wisdom teeth out about 7 years ago
  12. it depends on the 2-way relationship with the people you dont want there. there a couple of people in our group (of 8 people) that i hate, and their feeling's mutual. so on my birthday, i invited everyone knowing that those 2 wont turn up
  13. that looks just like an Anodyne era photo!
  14. it depends on the crowd around you, really. the band (that Jeff guy) seems to prefer you to stand - but you might get some person behind you that has his/her arse super-glued to the chair, so see what the crowd's like first if you're talking about General admissions, forget what i said - stand up
  15. > Jeff Tweedy is featured on every Wilco record... some other bass player has played on most i've them, i think
  16. Corey Harris.. (neither billy or jeffy)
  17. i prefer the outtake version with billy bragg singing
  18. AM starts with "you" - YHF ends with "you" both BT and AGIB start with "when
  19. ooh, even jeff hasnt gone that far!
  20. what show did you see in 2003, mikepua? if it was one of those joint shows with the Dead, they werent that good at all
  21. vibes from the land downunder, robert
  22. i actually did stand... after the guy threw something at me to sit down, everyone made a beeline to the stage, so i went with them.. only spent 30 seconds sitting down
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