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Everything posted by froggie

  1. not forgetting excellent versions of My darling and Via chicago
  2. heh, when i was up in sydney in janaury, i did just that. the australian open was on and i'd be lying on my bed, drinking beer when the sound on mute... much more enjoyable that way
  3. haha, the one where he sneaks in the finger picked riff that comes at the end of acuff rose
  4. apparently that thud towards the end is tweedy throwing his guitar down. definately a great tune - pity its been left bee-hind
  5. i havent heard of Lion red so it must be a new zealand beer. the good old vitamin B above is our favourite poison
  6. i just came back from a restaurant where i had spaghetti, that had more meat than paster in it. felt great at the time, but now i fee like a have a brick in my gut
  7. all fixed... i did it the manual way
  8. off to a friends place soon to have some beers and watch dvds and stuff ourselves with pizza... heh, home delivered since its raining
  9. i know a lot of people disagree, but the long ending when the piano kicks in on Layla Hey jude is another obvious one (longest fade-out ever, i read somewhere) that little solo at the end of Roadhouse blues Kashmir, when the ascending riff starts and bonham comes in with those various drum fills as for romeo & juliet mentioned above, i think that song has one of the best ever intro's (instead of ending)
  10. hmm, i'm trying to get to the paid subcriptions area and everything goes well until i click on the "pay" option. it then gives me a message saying i have to be logged in for this - even though i am. any ideas??
  11. bob dylan played laura cantrell's version of it recently on his "flowers" show.... 'twas very nice
  12. i'm sending him a bunch of the ealier solo shows from 1994-98 but if anyone wants to help him out with other ones, it should make a good one
  13. i hit the red wine actually, with some chamas at the start.... still paying for it now
  14. yeah they are. most tracks are just stripped down versions of the album ones but there are some nice different arrangements
  15. nothing now, but i got to drink $60 worth of grog at our department ball tonight. count in for being there at 7.30 on the dot for the champas or brandy - whatever they give
  16. same here mike.. i'll send you my list too. remind if you dont get it on the weekend
  17. me neither.. i cant believe they plan to show it... i mean, its not a movie or something
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