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Everything posted by froggie

  1. froggie

    Top 5

    melbourne central lion oxford scholar vault macs elephant & wheelbarrow
  2. nah, i just hit the piss to cope with the syndrome
  3. froggie

    Top 5

    all good things do it promiscuous no hay igual in god's hands
  4. a 'friend' of mine is a complete fiyegfiwefboiwfbowufbowfbnoewf
  5. better if it happened during the ending of Misunderstood
  6. here's a couple... http://www.sendspace.com/file/jl93qb http://www.sendspace.com/file/5pkfxu enjoy...
  7. great read!.. ihm: Currently you
  8. eating a shitload of gherkins before you go to bed makes you burp/belch continuously for half an hour when you wake up
  9. thanks for the corrections.. and his voice is excellent on this one too..
  10. well, i've listened to the 2 versions of this tune uploaded about 20 times this afternoon. what a great tune, in terms of how much emotion jeff can put in a catchy melody? these are what i can hear as the lyrics (minus the part in question marks!).... is it close?. the bits with slashes were sung differently on the 2 versions... bring it on guys... this is a long term keeper --- if you feel like singing a song you want other people to sing along just sing what you feel dont let anyone say its wrong if you're trying to paint a picture but you're not sure which colours belong just p
  11. that new What Light song that wilco's playing...... on repeat mode hot damn, this has the potential to become one of their future anthems
  12. tweedy played That year in 1997 after someone in the audience yelled out "no tupelo".... might do the trick
  13. it'll be great on the solo shows next month... shut up and sing
  14. wow, i love this one... its very catchy on the first listen even
  15. yep me too.... i love jay's little tune on it who actually created it?
  16. http://www.gumbopages.com/music/wilco/song...en.treasure.txt
  17. woah... first time i;ve seen a capo position after 7th!
  18. i assume he's reading a script. on some of the shows you can hear paper rustling as well.
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