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Nonlinear Nonfiction

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Everything posted by Nonlinear Nonfiction

  1. Got a link to the chart? I don't understand Billboard's website.
  2. A few days ago I posted a long recommendation that people just turn the volume up on SBS in order to hear every nuance on the album. Sorry if this offended you. I don't think anyone should take a reviewer's opinion too seriously, no matter who the reviewer is. But reviews do make for interesting discussion sometimes. I only recently discovered metacritic.com (I'm sure many of you have been using the tool for a long time) which tracks almost all the blog/mainstreem reviewers for albums and consolodates it into a rating. Pretty cool. Let's all just not forget that this a great place to discuss
  3. Another brilliant hypothesis. There are some kind of spectral analysis softwares out there that can give you a fancy chart showing the difference between the web-ripped versions and the real thing. I'm not familiar with them but if someone would perform such a test I would be very curious to see the results.
  4. Yeah but people can definitely discover Wilco and any great band for the first time, anytime...and truly appreciate it (that's what makes them great). They just have to live with the grief that they missed out on the really really good times. I mean, I'm 22 years old and think that I have a decent appreciation of Bob Dylan...but I'll never truly know what it was like to yell 'Judas.'
  5. I agree. Aside from the better audio quality on the release, I guess I'm just frustrated that people seem to assume that this album is meant to be played quietly or something, as if the guys recorded it with that in mind. I don't think they did. I think they want people to blast the f'n shit out of it, pardon my french, just like every other album they've released. Anyone who says this album is too "soft" or "old-man-ish" should maybe take a look in the mirror (or a closer look at their volume nob!). Just because Either Way is acoustic and, uh, brighter? doesn't mean it can't be loud! I'd al
  6. Hi everyone. How are you on this fine Wednesday? I do not intend here to make an argument for the merits of Sky Blue Sky as Wilco's best or worst album. This is not meant to be a review. I've been developing this hypothesis, if you wish to call it that, about the unique circumstance by which most critics encountered the most recent work from Mr. Tweedy, Mr. Cline, Mr. Stirratt, Mr. Jorgensen, Mr. Kotche and Mr. Sanson. This is also something to keep in mind when you sit down with Sky Blue Sky now that official copies are available. What other album can you think of that was released worldw
  7. Took this photo of a friend in 2002...just had to share it here.
  8. I just got my confirmation. Very excited. To be honest though, in anticipation of the record I've made about three or four orders from Wilcoworld since the pre-order started and just saw that I ordered the "red arrow tee?" What is that? hah...seriously though.
  9. Has she ever heard a Dylan tune before? Of all Tweedy lyrics, What Light is about as far from Dylan as I think one can get.
  10. Still no link, the schedule on The View's website hasn't been updated for next week. I want proof before I start to face my emotions about this one. And if it's not true, I'm going to be pretty mad that The View is in my internet browser history for no good reason. Although, I kind of like the idea of them playing "Hate It Here."
  11. I don't believe it until I see a link. This raises some serious issues for me. My girlfriend watches The View and I beg her to stop and read a newspaper instead or even better, watch The Price Is Right.
  12. Why are they allowed to upload a 18 min. video and I'm not? Youtube sucks.
  13. It gets my vote, at least for now.
  14. Although this solidifies the band as true "Dad-rockers," I'll be there with a bigass smile on my face.
  15. My father once paid $3.00 for a one dollar bill on ebay . It had a picture of a pug glued over Washington's face.
  16. Could someone please tape the karaoke and post it here soon after?!
  17. Haha, that's terrible...I couldn't even read the article.
  18. It's been like that for at least a few months now. Sorry to be the party pooper. Glad you all finally noticed though!
  19. Whats the audio quality like on this?
  20. Well, there are two things going on here: 1) Tucker is upset about his co-worker; and 2) Tucker is threatening to stop listening to Wilco. I prefer to comment on the latter dilemma: I can only relate to this because there was a year way back when Bob Dylan made me stop listening to Wilco - Yes, that is right, Bob Zimmerman himself. Because of him, I actually put Wilco on pause for a while. At the time, my college roommate was relentlessly trying to turn me on to Bob Dylan in a whole new light - had me listening to bootlegs and watching all the necessary footage/documentaries for a whole ye
  21. Saturday, August 21, 1999 Midway Stadium, St. Paul, MN The first time I saw Wilco in concert was their Summerteeth tour. They opened for REM at the minor league ballpark where the St. Paul Saints play. I had just turned 15 that month and my dad took us early to get close to the stage where I felt like Jeff Tweedy, Jay Bennett, John Stirratt and Leroy Bach turned my world upside down. I actually still remember this physical high I got when I heard The Lonely 1 for the first time. Today that isn't even in my top ten songs but at the time for some reason it seemed to yank the grass right out fr
  22. It would seem one can listen to SBS in its entirety while waiting for the show to begin...just connect to the webcast. Maybe soon they'll let us hear the sound check!
  23. Haha, I'm so glad I have avoided becomming addicted to the stats feature on there.
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