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Everything posted by yermom

  1. My three year old looooves that one too! She makes me sing it with her....I have to do the "doo doo" part and she hides under the table and pops her head out at regular intervals to provide the "mahna mahna." We tend to watch the later one though, the one with the pink cow-like puppets. Assuming Shuck doesn't mind my providing the link:Either Way
  2. Spray some of this around you while you use it:
  3. It's hilarious! I think I should look into finding a good "behind the scenes of Sesame Street" book to learn a little more about the history. It really has been such a huge chunk of modern American childhood. p.s. Your "Either Way" animation is gorgeous.
  4. That was awesome! For me, it's all about this one: I cannot count to 12 without throwing in a "Doo, doo, doo, doo...." Edit to add: This big time girly doll house tune swells my heart. I looooved it.
  5. I don't do them but my truck driver brother finds them very handy.
  6. I may have to drive to another town's Wendy's to see what all the fuss is about since my own Wendy's is apparently some defective black sheep of the chain.
  7. I'm shocked at how many votes "no" is getting. I guess there couldn't really be a "Tweedyless Wilco" but if there were a band that featured John Stirratt, Glen Kotche, Nels Cline, Mikael Jorgenson, and Pat Sansone, I'd definitely go to see them because those guys all rock big time.
  8. That's great! If your theater isn't all digital yet and you still have monster reels of film all over upstairs, embrace it while you can because the digital film hard drives and things just don't have their charisma.
  9. You people! The idea is not to replace books, but just to serve as an alternative mode of receiving books...were you this resistant to the concept of audio books? Did the libraries stop carrying their little bundles of papery love? No way, dude! They just added some racks to make room for the audio books! I love books (real, physical, smelly, gluey, lick my finger and turn the page books) just as much as the rest of you but I'm not going to let my book-love get in the way of my embracing what I think is a pretty nifty thing Amazon is trying to get off the ground.
  10. Wendy's is the ickiest of the lot. Maybe it's just my local Wendy's but man, they never fail to disappoint. Those "Frostys" are icky, the cheese is never melted, the chicken patties are like jerky, all of the lettuce is iceberg and sometimes it's actually icy iceberg. I've only been once or twice in the past year or so and the experiences made me angry. I like that they offer a baked potato and that's all I like about them. I eat McD's constantly because it's free thanks to a cross-promotion with our theater. It bums me out to eat it (I've read the book), but free food is free food! Arby'
  11. I was just watching Jeff Bezos talking about this on Charlie Rose last night. When he was saying Kindle, I kept hearing "Kendall" because I know a Kendall. When he spelled it out and explained it to Rose as being a fire-starter, I yelled at the tv, "Book burner! Book burner!" The more he explained it, the better I liked the idea of the gadget. I've always got several books that I'm reading at once and it is kind of messy in my truck to have them all stuffed behind the seat (not to mention unkind to the lovely books) so I could see it being useful as space saving in a situation like that. It wo
  12. I'm so happy to have--- My awesome friends whose big hearts and artistic talents grow my love for them daily. Wilcoworld...this place, you people, the music, the shows, it all blows my mind. VS bras and their amazing powers to shape nothing into something. Librarything...where has it been all my life?! And of course, I'm so blessed with my lovely partner and our amazing spawn:
  13. ~((((Get Well Kitty Vibes))))~ for the gorgeous kitty and her mum.
  14. 126, but if I ever get around to marrying my partner, my name won't even make the list.
  15. I keep seeing this and I'm not sure I understand what it's all about. I'd like to see the things Kucinich says coming out of Biden's mouth. That Biden has some authoritative aura going for him and Kucinich has zero charisma even when he's getting feisty, "It's called impeachment and you don't wait...you do it now! Now!"
  16. I'm all primed to get excited about a potential president. I've got my eyes on Obama. Is there anything wrong with him that I should know about? Are you crazy about him and if not, why? If you've got strong opinions for or against any other potential presidents, feel free to share those as well.
  17. I got sucked in to watching Derailed while cleaning the house last night. That Clive Owen is one foxy dude. The movie was just 'meh.'
  18. The only chance encounter I've had thus far is still "Pick Up the Change" playing in J.C. Penney. It was sweet.
  19. Best: I really dug Glen's gong action in Little Rock. Missed: The Bird + Wilco awesomeness.
  20. If a magical money fairy visits me before too long, I might try to make that one. OKC is my hometown! All the way live in the four-oh-five!
  21. Warriors, come out to playaaaaaaaay!(I had to do it.)
  22. Smart employers know that being into Wilco instantly qualifies a potential employee as completely awesome and just right for the job.
  23. Listening to Bonnie Prince Billy in my truck today and had to sit in the driveway to finish Will's cover of R. Kelly's "Ignition." "Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce...." It's going to be in my head all day and it's gong to be fun!
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