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Everything posted by skepticsightsten

  1. I voted a 9. I really think that even though this record hit me as great from the first listen, it's still a grower. I'm getting to appreciate even the less popular tracks (Shake it Off), and am loving most of the rest more and more each time. Hopefully some of these people who voted in the bottom 5 come around eventually, it may be a while till they get to hear another new album...
  2. So are you ripping off Shakespeare or Sparklehorse?
  3. I'm sitting through this one again right now... My first impression was really good of this record. It has shadows of their other material on it, but, as most people have said, the new additions to the line-up really bring more to it. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is debatable, but in my opinion, it's been great so far. For all of you thinking that Nels is too crazy...well...that's sort of his deal. Personally, I like the added element of the craziness. I don't think there is a bad song or an unnecessary song on the whole album. The title track is gorgeous, Impossible Germ
  4. I realize this thread has basically become people begging for PM's with the link, and I hate to be a part of it, but could someone please do just that for me? It isn't up on oink yet, and I don't have a demonoid account... Thanks!
  5. I'd like to see it pop up somewhere as well...
  6. Is it just dreaming to think he'll come to Germany anytime soon? I mean...he'll be in Europe anyways...
  7. This show needs to be posted. Veeerrry soon. Also, how'd Jeff go off on the frat-boy. What'd he say?
  8. That's too bad... Especially for people who only see them once, cause then they don't know how good they can be... Ah well...Can someone point me in the right direction to the new album? I can't use my Oink account or anything, so I have to go pretty basic MP3 download (I'm in Germany and the computer's not mine...) Thanks a lot...
  9. I don't believe they exist! You shut up!
  10. Don't think anyone has said The Mountain Goats. John Darnielle is really evolving now... I'm very interested in the next album (whenever the hell that'll be)
  11. You did the right thing, friend. You did the right thing. Better to warn them.
  12. I also am one who thinks that the production is a little too much at times, but that only comes with certain moods. Most of the time I, too, love the complete contradiction the music is to the lyrics. But, I'm still completely torn on the subject because I really love the solo versions as well... What's a guy to do?
  13. If anyone replies with Freebird, I think you should just go to your room, sit with the lights off, and think for a good loooong while. Maybe cut a couple extremities off while you're at it.
  14. I'm not a drummer and I don't know much about them. But to me, a great drummer is one who can come in and not just start showing off by playing complex parts or anything, but one who can completely figure out what the song needs in terms of percussion, whether it be a lot or a little, and can not only figure out that amount, but play it in such a way that the song would be totally different without it. Glenn does just that. Thanks Glenn.
  15. Ya, Decemberists would be cool. I think any and all of these bands would be good openers and live collaborators... Lambchop Calexico Pavement *sigh* Sparklehorse
  16. Yup, pretty much summed it up for everyone there. It's nice having a thread EVERYONE can agree on.
  17. I second that. Maybe cover some Joel Plaskett. I'd really love to hear him sing True Patriot Love.
  18. I wonder if there's an audience list for that show that we could get ahold of...There was a lot of applause. I think we've finally found the right use for nuclear weapons.
  19. I want to take part in that about as much as I want to take part in 'burn your house down along with all of your loved ones and belongings' day. I guess it might be cool for some people though. I guess.
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