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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. :rotfl your avatar is the best!!! i mean scariest!
  2. here's mine. let's see if this works.
  3. agreed! someone put up a ron paul banner on I66 in VA. ok it was more like a bed sheet that had bee spray painted, low campaign funds i guess. it was clever though. REVOLUTION with the letters EVOL written backwards to read as LOVE.
  4. i got mine today too! concert ticket hasn't arrived, but the album has.
  5. at the show last night, spoon mentioned that the booking for the show in DC with the 9:30 club was a fiasco so they are having a show tonight there for free for anyone that was at the merriweather show last night. seemed like that had something to do with the 9:30 club folks and not the spoon folks. i'm have no info re: wilco's cancellation though. i'm sure something will be up on the bands website explaining. they are usually really good about that.
  6. but they are still completely different. one drips down your chin and requires a good peeling before you can eat it, has seeds to avoid. the other goes well with peanutbutter and can be chewy and mealy if not ripe. you eat one when you start feeling a cold coming on, you eat the other to keep a doctor way. it perfectly makes sense.
  7. i had heard that the band had to get on the road right away to get back to chicago for committments the next day. maybe that's why folks waiting by the buses got scooted off or didn't get a visit from the band after the show. different story i almost forgot to share: one of my friends lives in charlottesville and she met me outside the pavillion when the sound check started. she hadn't planned on going to the show. she likes wilco, but had assumed the tickets would be expensive. when she heard the sound check (note we didn't see the sound check just heard it), she started having 2nd thoughts
  8. i saw the shins in concert last night at merrieweather, right on the heels of seeing wilco in charlottesville. we all know wilco is the stronger band, tighter, better sound, etc. i'm not surprised the shins have sold more albums than wilco, but wilco sells more concert tickets. when i saw wilco at merriweather, it was near close to being sold out. you couldn't see an empty seat and the lawn was packed. the shins had a lot of empty seats last night. there was an empty row of seats in front of me the entire night, when i left (during the last song) half-the venue was empty, including the lawn. s
  9. ok, i haven't actually read all of the latest posts in thread through, but in respnose to the above: Hillary's proposed health care plan allows for anyone that already has healthcare coverage and is happy with it to be able to remain with that coverage. if you aren't happy with your coverage or don't have health insurance you can opt into the Government system (which is what all civil servants/federal employees are a part of). i don't know the financial details though. then again, she would have to be elected and it would have to make it through congress to work.
  10. I always get frustrated with folks that don't vote. even with the reason of "i didn't like either candidate". my response to that is, if you don't like anyone on the ballot either a) write someone in or cast a blank ballot and show that you don't like anyone on the ballot and have your non-vote counted. imagine if everyone cast a blank ballot...
  11. what a great show! lots of fun, lots of energy, great audience! i was on the benches during the soundcheck. i can't remember for the life of me what the second song was, but here is what i do remember: one by one hotel arizona kingpin hoodoo voodoo time for a nap now.
  12. at my former job, we were interviewing someone, poor guy, he kept misspeaking cliches and we all had to keep straight faces for over an hour. the best one: "i don't want to be a flash in the pants." i thought i was going to die.
  13. "Hey Neil fan, thanks for being the first in ordering tickets and the new album "Chrome Dreams II". As a thank you, we wanted to give you an exclusive preview of the full album in advance of next week's release date. As we mentioned in an earlier email, you'll receive your CD copy of the album next week and until then click on the links below and enjoy the new music. Thanks for your support." the latest email from Warner. there were links to each song on the album (streamed) that could be saved if you had the full version of quicktime. interesting. a bit late since, it's already out there, b
  14. that's very cool that you won tickets to Aimme Mann. she's coming to DC (ok VA) in Dec @ the Birchmere. got my tix today (but they weren't free) anyone else going to that show. (the chicago show sounds way cooler though...)
  15. eh, that's ok. lots of em voted against it. someday, one can only dream, right???
  16. not in the junk mail folder either. this should be interesting. cd or not, seeing Neil is going to be pretty amazing.
  17. is your rep up for re-election? probably, with 2 year terms...hmmm...will your rep be employed after next year???
  18. is that real? i didn't get one.
  19. the 156 congressionals that voted against the SCHIP bill today.
  20. this is beautiful. i wish it would let me add it to my page, won't the add button won't work, . oh well.
  21. i saw this in the post this morning and my first thought was, middle-school, they aren't even really teenagers yet, what 11-year old is having sex and needs birthcontrol. then i realized how times have changed and completely agree, handing out birth control might not be the solution, finding out why kids are having sex at such an early age should be the place to start. i'm not actually surprised that they are having sex at such an early age though and that really scares me, more than anything else.
  22. Reinhold Messner and Songs for Silverman one day, when i lived in Nashville, i was having lunch in the cafe at the museum i worked at with other folks, someone looked out the window and said, "hey that guy looks like ben folds." and we all chuckled. then we realized it was ben folds.
  23. my only other experience with Wilco and General Admission was at Merriweather for the pit down front. We got there right when the gates opened and within a few minutes it was pretty packed in that pit area. There was also a small line at the Vic Theater show which was General Admission, around an hour before the show started. It made me think the charlottesville show would have a line as well. I'm still working on when I'll be getting there. I've updated my picture in my profile, so keep an eye out for me. hope to see folks there!
  24. happy to provide: wbrcustserv@emsi.echomail.com the confirmation email i recieved was from this address and went straight into my junk folder. they list this address at the end of the email for questions, etc.
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