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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. i'm patiently awaiting my cd to arrive since i paid way too much money for a mediocre seat at the Constitution Hall show and with that overpriced concert ticket i get the cd shipped to me at no extra cost. kinda funny, got an email from Warner Bros. Records to inform me that my cd is now on back order and will be arriving within 30 days of the Oct 23 release date. ummmm, did someone not plan ahead and figure out how many cds to manufacture based on the number of seats in all of the venues that has Neil booked for this tour in which they plan on giving away 2 cds per 4 concert tickets sold. tha
  2. when was the last time a pet adoption agency had legal footing to enforce its return to sender policy? someone should tell Ellen that she could go to court and get the dog back, i'm guessing easily, animals are considered property in practically every state and the adoption contracts people sign with shelters/rescue groups are legally thin.
  3. same question here. i have never been to charlottesville and with the 3 hour drive from DC am trying to figure out travel time, etc. hey justin, if i get there before you, i'll hold a spot in line for ya.
  4. i wonder if this trend will end up taking $ away from the artists in the long run and is actually a model to put the $ that is being lost on cd sales back into the hands of the big companies. anyone notice that she is now a shareholder in Live Nation and that, I'm guessing, has nothing to do with the $120mil deal and although financially savvy for her, the "model" probably won't be financially savvy for smaller lesser known bands/artists/musicians. am i being pesimistic today or what?
  5. damn it, i am slow today. i saw this and was going to be all bad ass, contact my friend who is married to a black crowe and get the whole inside track first to know, but Analogman saved the day (or stole the day). i should contact my friend anyway, i haven't spoken to her in ages!
  6. according to the US census. someone once told me they thought DC shouldn't have senators because the population was so small, i wish i had known about wyoming then.
  7. DC residendts do not have the same voting rights as everyone else in this country. The population of Wyoming is: 515,004 and they have 1 congressional and 2 senators. The population of the District of Coumbia is: 581,530 (not counting the non-registered residents) and we have 1 honorary congressional with no voting power. it is very very wrong.
  8. so, Al Gore won the Nobel Peace prize! congratulations Al!
  9. i saw this over the weekend and really enjoyed it. probably one of the best movies i've seen in a while. i haven't read the book yet, but plan to. there were a couple of things sean penn did director wise i wasn't completely thrilled with (those scenes with multiple shots up on the screen), and that opening credit sequence, that went beyond amature and almost ruined the movie for me. gack. but it recovered well from such a gaff and quite a good film. i hate bad type (typography that is).
  10. Bob Dylan at the 9:30 club, Washington, DC, april fool's show April 2, 2004 Bob Dylan at the King Street Palace in Charleston, SC Aug 1996 (this was a converted gymnasium and before Time Out of Mind, bob was in a t-shirt and jeans and was quite quite high, it was a crazy crazy concert) Blonde Redhead at the Black Cat 2002 (think that was the year) and I know everyone will be jealous that I saw Poison front row on the Flesh and Blood tour and got to see them again 15 years later same venue and seat location.
  11. ask any of the homeless here in DC how good life was during the Regan years when he closed St. Elizabeth's mental institution and put them out on the street. I wasn't old enough to know any difference when the guy was in office, but from what I've heard unemployment was sky high and the housing market was in the toilet. that sounds kinda familiar actually...
  12. add a beer with that pizza and it is the kiss of death for me, sick as a dog. i miss pizza oh so much. this thread made me hungry and sad all at the same time.
  13. I've been away, and interesting to see how this thread has developed. I have a question, how are the solutions being proposed right now worse than the affects of climate change (I use that phrase because global warming is not just about the planet getting hotter)? How would higher standards for fuel efficiency be detrimental? How is using vegetable based cleaning products, that work just as effectively and are far less toxic, worse than using caustic petroleum based products? How is having a lightbulb that uses 70% less energy and a longer shelf-life while providing the same quality of light a
  14. thank you! maybe someone should start an "I hate Al" thread and let us sing praises in this thread. I didn't realize commending the nobel peace price would cause this much angst against people. I am tempted to ask that this thread be closed because where this is all going was not my intention to start with. frustrating. where is cryptique and EL to the rescue?
  15. because you think he is better served elsewhere, or because you have other party affiliations?
  16. here here. why so hateful and nasty towards Al (and well Hillary) (uncle wilco). i'll never understand why people that show strong leadership get attacked so much. let's celebrate peace with this thread not make it political. peace should never be political.
  17. i wish folks would stop speculating about al running for prez. (i know you're not speculating and this isn't aimed at the posts made, i'm just ranting again) by folks i mean the media. why don't we understand when someone says no, no means, well ummm, NO. he is able to do so much more for the world out of office than he could have ever done in office. i still say 3 cheers for Al!
  18. i heard the news on NPR this morning about Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace prize and a political pundit managed to say in his own words that Al's Oscar is equally as important as his latest achievement of the Nobel. really, an oscar the same as a nobel. ahhh, the media. with that said, congratulations to Al Gore for winning/sharing the Nobel Peace prize today!
  19. wahoo! i'm hardcore. saying it like that probably doesn't make me sound hardcore. i never thought of myself as scary, i used too much hairspray in those days, althoug, once when i was at the skating rink (i come from a small town, there was nothing else to do) a guy came up to me and my friend and asked us if we were some of those metal chics. we laughed. that is very cool about Billie Burke. it's such a small world. my favorite line "are you a good witch or a bad witch" in that strangely sweet voice of her. oh and i think i went to a primus concert once. the teenage years are such a blur
  20. am i the only one that thinks there is a certain melancholy to the music being made today? so far i'm liking in rainbows, it's no kidA and doesn't have the edge of amnesiac, but holds its own in a sorrowful melodic sweet creepy kind of way. all i need stands out the most to me so far.
  21. i didn't even notice that. surely i'm not the only female metallica fan on the board? anyone, girls???
  22. metallica was my first concert, on the and justice for all tour. my sister introduced me to them (ok their music) the year before with all the good stuff. i wouldn't admit it, but i loved fight fire with fire and the whole master of puppets album. i voted for puppets. it's solid and i think metallica's culmination, then they made justice and it never really was the same after that was it. interesting that they would be the band that brought napster down. i heard once they sued a make-up company for naming an eyeliner shade metallica even though the make-up company had no intention of copyright
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