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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Dont really know yet, but I do like Sheffield's. They have good beer.
  2. I dont know about that statement. It is basically any debt our country has with bonds, bills, notes, and such. Can be anyone from companies, people, or another country. I think its at like 9 trillion, I dont see any one country taking that on.
  3. That route is what I need to figure out. How long to figure out which route to take and accomplish it? an hour? any sugguestions?
  4. The good part is you did sell and you wont lose anymore from this down sliding market. And my prediction is that it will continue to go down, so great chance to buy in at lower, but I have been wrong before.
  5. Your thinking is short term when you are in a long term investment. Everything that went down will come back up higher than before so you lose nothing and gain everything you bought in at a lower price in the long run. You have to believe this is just a temporary set back. Finding the bottom is not easy.
  6. Savings acct with 2% interest is pretty darn safe as it gets. If it eases your mind, then its worth it. No point in stressing over a 401k investment. I understand how losing money in the market can be. I lost alot and now feel mutual funds where I feel comfortable. The thing about you selling is that you just took all that loss. Its not a loss until you sell.
  7. Thats pretty much it. I said similar too. Its really easier advice to give then follow though. When playing with your real money, emotions get involved and you make hasty decisions. Sometimes it takes experience to learn.
  8. I do believe the market will go down more and I see my funds going down, but I still have like 30 more years before I will withdraw my 401k. I see my funds low and makes me feel bad but I see how low I am buying in at and it makes up for it. I will see probably see a couple more recessions before its all over. I do understand if you wanna withdraw from the market, but you can lose money in playing too. You just sold when you are down, and possibly could be buying in when its up. You lose all that gain. I feel it a safer move at my position just to ride it out and not play with it, but
  9. Your 401K plan is probably mostly invested in the US stock market. It goes down, so does your 401k. Depending on your age, your 401k is a long-term investment, you shouldnt worry about the loss now. Now is the time to buy-in more not sell off which you did. Unless you are close to retirement, all your losses will be recovered by the low buy-ins of the current down-turn. Just trust the markets will recover, which they will. Basically you are betting and investing in America, where you live and breathe, it will not fail. The economy is our backbone, without it, we dont exist anyways. Not
  10. This applies to everything, not just the recession.
  11. Agree. Cant wait for the Bonnaroo lineup to be announced.
  12. Ok, I've reached this point and dont know how this is possible. The Toy Time purple star is impossible.
  13. Now, I say to you today my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: - 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.' Martin Luther King Jr., Speech at Civil Rights March on Washington, August 28, 1963
  14. I know the economy sucks and we are headed for recession but $800 would be nice. Pumping the country with 1.5 billion dollars will soften things somewhat.
  15. Now at 117 stars. Damn this game gets tough at the end.
  16. I heard last year, not much of a line at all. The difference is last year was in March and wasnt sold out. I think with the growing popularity of Wilco and of last years show, there will be a bit more of a line but at the same time it maybe freezing out so I really dont expect people to stand out there long before door opens. I am just gonna hang at a nearby bar and check the area now and then for long lines.
  17. Yeah, that was good. There was alot of good lines, I think alot of them are ad lib. Just Jermaine being his funny self. I liked all the phone calls he made to his nemesis. Those cracked me up cause it rarely went the way he wanted and other times he just was weird.
  18. Only about a week away now, getting excited. You think there will be a long line for doors to open?
  19. I just saw this being a big Napolean and Flight of the Conchords fan. I thought it was ok, but doesnt compare to Napolean or Flight shows. Jermaine's humor is good and alot of the jokes are funny but overall not enough to keep the pace going. That being said, it should be watched by any Flight of the Conchords fan.
  20. Just my ranking on what I experienced and read. Maybe other people's ranking differ with their own personality and experiences. The thing about religion is gets so big that it becomes a culture and then the people get lost in what is the culture and what they believe and feel in life.
  21. I dont know much about Mormons. They the ones that go door 2 door and believe a set number will go to heaven?
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