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Everything posted by GtrPlyr

  1. I had the same reaction when I first came across Miller's "Tropic of Cancer" many years ago. His bold prose just drew me in right away. After that book I went on a bit of a Miller binge. I've also had similar experiences with books by Charles Bukowski (Women), Raymond Carver (What We Talk About When We Talk About Love), Knut Hamsun (Hunger), Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita), Frederick Exley (A Fan's Notes), Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), J.D. Salinger (Catcher in the Rye). I could go on but those are a few that pop to mind that grabbed me from the first page.
  2. I wish we had Saturday mail here in Canada.
  3. Just finished reading this and thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Thanks to the folks here that got me onto this in the first place.
  4. I was going to post about Lefsetz's comments but you nailed everything I was going to say quite nicely Beltmann.
  5. I'm with ya Shakespeare. There was a time some 20 odd years ago when Prince was probably my biggest musical influence. He's slipped down the ranks over the years but would still probably make my top 10 all-time favorite list. I think the main fault I have with his current music is that he now follows trends instead of setting them. Prince used to be so innovative and unique. He seems to have lost a lot of that mojo over the years. He’s still an incredibly gifted musician, just no longer one with something unique to present (barring a few minor exceptions.) As a long-time fan I still hold out h
  6. I can't believe things have been allowed to go this far without intervention. The owners obviously don't give a toss about this historic place. Quite sad really.
  7. Four of my all-time favorite artists, nice. Welcome aboard rtj908!
  8. The decision to go acoustic vs. electric really comes down to what kind of music you plan on playing. Electrics are easier to play and learn licks and chords on. Acoustics sound better unplugged and don't require an amp. I started out on an acoustic guitar that my dad had lying around the house. Shortly after that I got an electric for Christmas. To this day I enjoy playing both, though most times I usually play an electric guitar unplugged around the house as it's quieter than the acoustic and won't wake up my girlfriend when I play at night. Having said that, I would probably recommend start
  9. Yeah, Martin did a good job. The show usually works better when a real comedian hosts I find.
  10. Yeah, his deal was pretty bad. According to Jim's wife he hated confrontation so a lot of the stuff the record company did went unchallenged. They were never even given a copy of the contract they signed, that's how bad things were.
  11. I don't really listen to Croce all that much, but grew up hearing his music and always respected him as a songwriter. I spotted this one at the library and couldn't resist picking it up. I'm about 2/3 of the way through, fairly interesting read so far. I think I may have to pull out my old Croce records tomorrow for a little refresher course.
  12. One of the greats, a true musical genius. I will have to pull out some of my Ravi records later--or my sitar--and pay tribute.
  13. Agreed. He really had a career resurrgence with those Bloodshot releases in my mind, especially the first two which got me back into Parker's music. Before those I pretty much only listened to his '70s/early '80s records, which admittedly I still go to quite a bit. I'm going to search for that new one next time I'm in the record store.
  14. I get where you're coming from Louie, but lack of comments doesn't necessarily mean people don't care. Some just might not feel like they have anything interesting to ad to the thread. I suppose I could have posted a r.i.p. comment in the Brubeck thread but I kinda feel lame doing so. And as far as Ze goes I haven't heard the record yet so I really have nothing of interest to say on the matter yet. Thanks for the heads up on the new one nonetheless Todd, much appreciated .
  15. DeNiro hasn't been all that great for over a decade now. A lot of it has to do with the fact he doesn't ever seem to turn down any film that is offered him. If one only followed his recent career they'd think people were crazy for calling him the best actor of his generation.
  16. Nice. I pull out that CCR 2-fer every so often, it sounds great (better than my beat up original copies that's for sure.)
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