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Twisted Acres

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Everything posted by Twisted Acres

  1. An era ends in the bronx... http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3069115 Good for Joe. That'll teach them to let a good man twist in the wind like they did...
  2. Hi-Rose! So glad to see you at VC again!
  3. Jen, I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandfather. Hugs and prayers from Patti and I. I can COMPLETELY understand your sentiment. Patti drove all the way to Baltimore from central NJ the morning after her grandmother died. She shut her cell phone off and immersed herself in exploring the city with a good friend of hers. It's a completely understandable thing to do... I'm glad that Jason gave you a great show that allowed you to lose yourself, if just for a little while. Again, all the best from us down here.
  4. I'm in full agreement. You'll find me dancing at Tualla's Dance Club every night to this song.
  5. I know he means the world to you, Kev... prayers and vibage emanating from the Great Northeast.
  6. I adore my Gretsch 6120. It can be a bit moody onstage but is a necessary tool for certain tones; it's amazing on recordings. Anything I've owned from Epiphone is basically a foreign-made Gibson as previously mentioned (never liked the feel of them)
  7. thanks all... we buried Dottie today, but had a wonderful, very personal and somewhat humorous funeral mass at Our Lady of Angels in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Patti and her cousin Frankie delivered fantastic eulogies, and I got to sing and play "The Last Mile of the Way" by the Soul Stirrers during communion. There were lots of laughs and lots of tears as you'd expect. She'll be cremated and interred in her family plot in Greenwood Cemetery next Tuesday. Still in a very numb state of denial that she is no longer in the world. This too shall pass.
  8. Praying hard for your grandfather and all of your family, Jen.
  9. Just a note to let you know that Dottie passed away last night at 8pm. Oddly enough, Patti was the only person with her when she died. Patti got there about 1/2 hour beforehand, and all the other family folks who were there all day ran out for a bite. Patti fed her an ice pop, and then Dottie's breathing pattern changed. The caregiver said something to the effect of, "this is it...", and Patti told Dottie all of the wonderful things you'd expect someone like Patti to say as she passed. Thanks again for the good wishes.
  10. Thanks for the good wishes, guys. Dottie's a fighter, now I know where Patti gets it... she regained some strength in the hospital over the past day or two, breathing completely on her own, and they've actually released her to in-home hospice care. Her body is slowly shutting down, but she will pass on in her home, which is certainly better than in some anonymous room in a hospital. She'll be at home, with her family & friends at her side, and I couldn't imagine a better way. Thanks again.
  11. I'm thrilled for you especially, Bridget, not a bad birthday present, eh? Hopefully you can get some tickets! Bring some Bit-o-Honeys to the game so you don't have to bite your nails.
  12. Of course I kid. They proved to be a team with more passion and more of a will to win than the Mets were. I'm just still picking up the shards of my shattered, orange-and-blue heart. This really is going to be one amazing post-season. Lots of great pitching, clutch hitting, and late-inning heroics in store. I'm actually glad I don't have to stress over the Mets and can watch and enjoy each and every game. Best of luck to everybody who has a team in the dance!
  13. ...for Patti's grandmother, who is not expected to live through this night. At 89, she has lived an eventful, sometimes heartbreaking life. She is one of the most unique people I've ever met. Please throw an extra vibe our way for Dottie "Rumba" Olsen who is about to finish this journey and begin the next.
  14. I saw Jorge Julio on the mound and said to Patti, "They're handing this game to the Padres!!!" But then Trevor Hoffman goes out and does a Jorge Julio!! What a great game that was, as exciting as any I've seen in years. Best of luck to the Rockies. Not only do I hope they sweep the Phillies, but I hope that, somehow, the Phillies actually manage to score a negative run total over the course of the series. And that the Phils' ERA for the series manages to somehow be
  15. Perfectly put, Matt. In a league where no one seemed to want to sew their division up except for the team out west that no one expected to even be part of it, the Mets seemed least hungry, as if the division was a given; as if they had it coming to them. I hope the kids learn something from this, and I hope Omar is able to find the veterans to surround them as this team resets for 2008. Reyes has a LOT of growing up to do this winter. I don't want him to stop showing his exuberance and joy for the game, but it's funny how that stuff starts to look a lot different when a player isn't pe
  16. Hope it's an absolutely fantastic one, Bridget! xoxo
  17. Way to go, Kate... I'm proud of you too!
  18. We're still in this thing... keep praying, Mr. Met!
  19. All the best to you, Kevin... have a fantastic birthday! -mart & patti
  20. Happy birthday, Hannah, you little ookpik cutie!!!! xoxo
  21. Wow, that's so great that you guys got the disc as quick as you did... "Nevertheless I Love You" by Billy Butler & the Enchanters is one of my all-time favorite recordings, just love the way it sounds! And "Funny (Not Much)" by Walter Jackson is just so sublimely beautiful. Hope you guys enjoy that disc 1/3 as much as I do, cause that'll be an awful lot!
  22. Can't help you with credits, but seek out the Nat Cole trio's version of "Sweet Lorraine", what a lilt it has... and Bill Doggett's version packs a punch. Great, great song. I love Baker's version as well.
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