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Twisted Acres

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Everything posted by Twisted Acres

  1. That's hysterical. What are the odds? You can yell, "Happy birthday, Bryan!" at one of Ryan's shows, and actually mean it. I'm sure he'll break a bottle and slice your face up if you do it, but that's part of the fun.
  2. Interesting... seems that the Red Sox haven't opened their season at home since at least 2003. The scheduling gods are probably factoring in the potential for winter-like weather. They've played down in Texas, in Tampa Bay, in Kansas City in previous years before having their home opener the 2nd week of the season. Didn't look, but I'd imagine that clubs like Cleveland, Detroit, Colorado, and at least one of the Chicago teams probably often open on the road, too (I know that with the Mets and Yanks one is at home when the other is on the road, is it the same for the Cubs & Pale Hose?)
  3. Can you send some to me for my digital tuner, pre-amp and stompboxes?
  4. Cape Cod Ray Charles Drive-in Movies Baseball Fantasy Baseball Joe Liggins & His Honeydrippers Route 66 (gotta do that trip again) Cooperstown, NY (and all of upstate NY) Louis Jordan Hatch Show Prints Ebbets Field Flannels Gretsch Guitars (though they aren't really made in usa anymore) Rest stop vending machines Greenwich Village
  5. I come & go with Radiohead, but of all of their albums, I go back to Kid A the most. That said, this new one is sticking to my ribs quite nicely!
  6. I think he's more like 448 years old He is mentioned by name in the Book of Job.
  7. Were I Torre, I'd cement the legend by laying low for a couple of years, and maybe ride off into the sunset with a low-to-no-pressure gig, be it a chief scout, an advisor, or even a bench coach for a young hotshot. I wouldn't fault him for taking another manager gig, but I can only see it putting a bit of tarnish on the legend of what took place in The Bronx. He's like DiMaggio with all the talk of class and dignity, etc., that you hear right now in NYC. The man will never EVER have to pay for another meal or round around here.
  8. here's a great one of Porter & Dolly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqmyfQDN6ik RIP sir
  9. Please. He turned 24 in June. He's still got a bit more development to come. He has a poor 2nd-half in '07 and now he's the most overrated player in the game?
  10. Not sure how they'd end the relationship, but the Mets would find a way to move Delgado if they had a chance to move Wright to 1B to accommodate the acquisition of ARod. I don't think it'll happen, but imagine that infield: Wright/?(Castillo? Eckstein?)/Reyes/ARod... and with Posada at catcher (just kidding maybe) Seriously, I don't think Moreno will let ARod go to any team besides his Angels. The World Series ended less than 12 hours ago, and we've got the hot stove loaded up and lit! I love it!!
  11. Happy birthday fellow New Yorker and fellow Mets fan!
  12. Yes, Heidi, I think I'm so in love with Eddy that his chewing up my lenses didn't register as a major issue. I did head over to Lenscrafters and got myself a snazzy new pair of ocularia, though. Raybans and I look like a triple-phat geek. Eddy will be NOWHERE near these. This dog must have vise-jaws; he punctured the lenses impeccably. I've got dental records for Eddy on my eyeglasses.
  13. Bought a big ol' bag of Fun Size Skittles and Starburst (as if the full-size versions AREN'T fun???)... but I've already eaten 1/8 of the bag. Hurry up Halloween!!! Not that we have too many kids coming by ringing the bell... everybody on our stretch of the road has outgrown the costume fun, except for one adorable little 3-year-old. She's gonna have a shitload of Skittles and Starbursts, that's for sure.
  14. Hey Graham, my uncle got me a Merkur for my birthday this year, and I think I'm tightening it too much after putting the razor in. As a result, it seems there isn't enough space between the blade and the base for it to do any shaving at all. Gotta give it another go, as it was one of the best shaves I ever had the first time I used it.
  15. You know, I didn't realize I wrote that until you called me on it... now I'm not sure what I say in conversation... Probably "spectacles."
  16. he just ate my eyeglasses!!!! But I'm sure there'll be much more damage inflicted by our visiting canine hurricane this week. Off to lenscrafters.
  17. That's my sister's lawn, Jen... I think we've had this conversation before! Eddy is snoring at my feet right now as I work at my desk. I think he's settled in.
  18. He's a huge golden lab. He has the strength of 2 or 3 dogs, I think, as he can easily pin me, and it takes more than just a bit of effort to climb out from under him. Of course the fact that he's licking my face the entire time, and the additional fact that I can't stop laughing doesn't help. My sister doesn't listen to music much, not sure why. It's always been a part of our lives what with my mom constantly playing music when we were kids. Anyway, Eddy seemed a bit nervous and worried when we first got back to my house. He was panting a lot, wandering around, going to the door and such. I
  19. gay islamic cable guys? please continue to be safe everyone...
  20. You could've left yours as Lambert, Kris... he's scary enough
  21. Hope all of our SoCal VCers are doing ok... vibes to all of you for a quick and damage-free end to all of this.
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