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Everything posted by rhino4evr

  1. just want to say I don't HATE any Wilco songs...I just prefer some more to others. I like when Wilco is adventurous, but Shake it off just doesnt work on the album. I can can see that it may work much better live, when you can actually see the energy behind it.
  2. yeah, after reading the new album was a "return to form" I was kinda excited, but man is that their worst album yet. Stipe is lyrically bankrupt, and the music is trying too hard to sound like Monster..which wasn't a great album to begin with. Accelerate was fun, but forgetable. This one is just forgettable. They should have broken up after Automatic. Or instead of breaking up..just stop releasing new stuff, and do greatest hits shows filed with nothing but their 80s output. The REAL R.E.M. fans don't want to hear Everybody Hurts, and Man on the Moon. They want you to play Recoking and Murmu
  3. exactly, you could basically take every track on Wilco (TA) and compare it to a similar song from Wilco's past, and each time the older song will prevail as the better song. There is nothing on WIlco (TA) that is better then their previous work, nothing stands out. If they would have said "This is going to be an album filled with old song ideas, b-sides, and outakes" I think the album would have been better received. It wasn't a BAD record. It just wasnt up to snuff with their past records, which have been pretty much amazing. So the disappointment seems more drastic. this happens to all b
  4. was it any good live? Cause I've seen and heard tons of bootlegs, and that song always seems to be left out.
  5. Well the funny thing, is there is a "theme" to the record. It's called Wilco (the Album)..and it's really, like you said, a collection of different tracks that kind of summarizes their career. That's really the theme. To me it felt like leftover tracks, something that wasn't given a lot of thought. It's a very lazy record for Wilco standards and it shows.
  6. as I said on in the "almost" thread..would be cool if they streamed in on NPR. Like the recent Panda Bear and Malkmus albums.
  7. has Wilco ever played Shake it Off Live? You can usually tell what songs Wilco is "embarrased" about by the songs they choose or don't choose to play live. I can't remember seeing a set list with that on it. It's the worst song on the album, mainly because it doesn't fit with anything else on the album. It's really out of place.
  8. Will have to agree that the last half of SKy Blue SKy is definitely weaker then the first half, and it all starts with Shake it Off. However I still like On an On, and Hate it here is a great song live. I could probably do without Walken, but a lot of people love that song live too.
  9. I think the reason why SBS gets a lot of slack is because it followed the 1-2 punch of YHF and GIB. There are quite a few fans that ONLY want Wilco to be experimental and ambitious. There are other fans that not only love those albums, but also adore the work done on Mermaid Ave, Summerteeh, and Being There. In my opinion, if you enjoy stuff like Mermaid Ave, and early Wilco there is no reason for you to dislike Sky Blue Sky. It's probably the most personal and down to earth that Jeff has ever gotten, and for fans that just equals something special.
  10. hey everyone call off the attack. I am not saying that Wilco releases concept albums to begin with. I am looking forward to this album more then any other this year. I'm just commenting on what I see as a possible negative.
  11. well duh, I just said I will hold judgement. I like varied sporadic albums too, but I tend to think concept albums are my favorite.
  12. well its not the first time Ive heard that it isn't cohesive. Obviously, i will hold on to my own judgements. I like albums with a common theme or feeling, but even sporadic records (like the recent Stephen Malkmus album) can still be awesome.
  13. was hoping for a more cohesive album, since one of my biggest problems with Wilco (TA) was that it didnt seem to have much focus. However if the songs are good, then it could feel more like a variety show. Adding the extra bonus tracks will definitely make it a lengthy listen. also I wouldnt be too scared about the jazz aspect of Capitol City. I'm sure it's still a rock song with jazzy aspects, kind of like Steely Dan or something. I'm interested to hear it.
  14. well actually you are still missing some bonus tracks..the only version of the album that has all the tracks is the Itunes one.
  15. the only reason I fell for it, is because for some reason I expect more from this board. The Atease board is filled with thousands of stupid posts of people trying to sound funny. It happens in ALL the threads, not just the "leak" threads. It's the most worthless forum on the internet, and that's saying something. It wasn't always like that. Keep your moronic behavior over there please.
  16. i do, I just don't think posting false teases on a message board is funny at all. It's obnoxious and childish. Hope you're having a nice day.
  17. Personally I come here to get away from the At Ease boards...these bastards follow you everywhere
  18. the AtEase Board ruins everything. This thread is pretty much over.
  19. this is turning into the AtEase Message Boards
  20. you have it on vinyl? didnt come with a digital code? I guess you dont have a record to digital converter either right?
  21. I live on this board..my blanket is somewhere in the Archives thread.
  22. Jules...show us what's in the briefcase. I need to see the whole shiny gold love
  23. FYI..I have no idea how to upload a torrent, so I won't be setting the net on fire if you PM a link.
  24. Then talk, don't tease good sir. This isn't Twin Peaks.
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