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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Said friend lives in D.C. (Hodie, for those of you who may know her). Story takes place in Baltimore. Here it is: We were planning to go to an afghan restaurant that had been getting great reviews, but on the way over it started pouring. Monsoon conditions. We realized we looked just too awful to be going to that nice white tablecloth place, so we went to Ride Aid and bought a roll of paper towels and ducked into the nearest bar. It was a Baltimore brewpub, pretty cool, with many kinds of beer. We found a tiny table in a corner and ordered some bar food and some beers and sat there dry
  2. Holy crap, Bridget, I never even thought of the library. I had Netflix one at a time, but then upgraded to 2 at a time a month ago to expedite the viewing. Thanks for the reminder to switch back to one.
  3. I just finished the last episode of Season 5. Did it all via Netflix, in exactly two months. Holy shit that was a good show. I want to watch it all again with commentary now. I resisted looking up anything about the actors, or anything about the show, or even reading this thread until I was done. I'm looking forward to exploring interviews and press and such now that I'm finished. (I just watched the Kenard/Omar clip. I had no idea!) You know what else? I had Dominic West pegged as not American right away (bless his accent's heart) but had no idea until I looked them up a few week
  4. Doesn't Tony M. make a cameo appearance as a doctor? I'm not going to watch it again to confirm, but I think so.
  5. Are you sure you didn't intentionally forget to index the URL?
  6. I wore my Rake's Song t-shirt today. Under a hoodie, because it's f'ing snowing out right now.
  7. And it picks up where Trapped in the Closet left off?
  8. I missed it by a lot, but happy birthday anyway!
  9. For the record, mine came last week and was #31. I think they're randomly grabbing out of a big box.
  10. The Crane Wife is my favorite Decemberists album. I haven't listened to the new album in full yet, so I don't really have an opinion.
  11. Maudie laid it out in the original post. Of specific interest: "Once you've got a design ready (please limit yourself to one design), PM one of the mods, and let us know. Deadline for submission is April 30. Depending on how many designs come in, the mods reserve the right to choose our favorites, to hold a poll to see which we'll use, or maybe to roll them out over a few months time. Or if this goes really well, we'll ask for a second round of submissions at some point down the road." I think it might be okay to submit more than one. Or, again, bribe others.
  12. What if Pat wasn't there when the picture was taken, and only showed up in the developed version?
  13. Are folks formally submitting these ideas? Or bribing someone with design skills to do so? These t-shirts aren't going to make themselves, people!
  14. There's something weird going on with this photo, perspective-wise. Is Pat a giant? Is he hovering in the air in a sitting position? Perhaps he's sitting on the arm of the couch, but it looks like he's much closer to the camera. In the caption on RS.com Jeff is the only person identified, which is also kind of funny. Were we not supposed to notice the other person?
  15. It sounds like another great night for you guys. I think it's cool that you chose some unusual songs - nice challenge! Yeah, Let's Fight was debuted in Fredericton, NB and played a few more times in 2006 according to wilcobase. Must not have been very memorable though. At the Hotel S'n'S show a couple years ago, Jeff did a snippet of "Hey Chicken." We hadn't warned him about the request beforehand, though, and he didn't know how to play the full song.
  16. I know! Yeah, that was the Friday. I even had a ticket for that night, but had prior plans with a friend in Chicago that I couldn't back out on. It was her last night in town before (ironically) she left for law school in Minneapolis. So here's the stellar ending of that story - we had tickets to see the Autumn Defense open for Andrew Bird at Martyr's. Quite a consolation prize, right? Well. We ate a really bad meal at that northwoods place down the street (is that even still there?), saw the Autumn Defense, and were tired and in pissy moods by then. It was getting late, and my friend
  17. Phrases from this thread that could also function as album titles: Punishment Worse Than Death Conditions or Alterations Okay............... Pinky Swear Grubby Paws Best of Luck Teen Pregnancy Gang Bang Situation
  18. For the past two Wilco albums, this has been my method: I will not listen to any new songs unless I hear them in person. I won't even listen to live recordings of the shows I saw (I skip new songs.) This is simply because I love the only memory and association I have for a song to be in-person impressions, including visuals. I will listen to a leak of the new record, as long as I have the entire finished product and know the songs are in the right order. The street date doesn't make much difference to me, but the complete concept does.
  19. Is Seaside, FL the place that started off as a sort of planned community? Lots of pastel houses and tiny (really tiny) little shops? In 2000 I was on spring break in Panama City Beach and we drove there for a day. My memory is somewhat hazy, but I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it. We walked around and shopped and ate lunch. I have a pendant I bought at one of the little shops that I still wear. Tiny flowers in resin. Have fun!
  20. Yes, it's the same thing. Each show has its own ticket policy. Milwaukee Musictoday presale tickets were only available for will call.
  21. I beg you to take the blu-ray vs. DVD questions here: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=38650
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