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Everything posted by giraffo

  1. I guess I apparently think Beck can do no wrong. This just seems different but better (than Guero and Information at least) to me. I'm not all the way through, but a lot of what I'm hearing is pretty good to me.
  2. that's interesting, because Sea Change was always lost on me. It seemed like the least adventurous of all the Beck albums. Just some paint the numbers strumming, to me, anyways. This seemed like he's found an interest in arranging things and pushing himself onto aesthetics some more, playing around with his own devices and snagging some from others.
  3. I think everyone is too overdramatic and cynical and doomsday mongering about all this shit. calm down.
  4. High 5 (Rock the Catskills)-Beck #1-Animal Collective
  5. any time you ever have a chance to see a band instead of Radiohead-- take that chance.
  6. well, it was supposed to be a Prince/70's styled album. I listened to Orphans, and I'm even more psyched. I think this will be really really good.
  7. not at all, I thought it was pretty overrated though. I didn't really find it as 60's as Midnite Vulture's was 70's, which is how I would describe this new one so far: Modern Guilt is as Beck styled 60's as Midnite Vultures is Beck styled 70's.
  8. I'm psyched more. It seems like this will be his "60's" album, but I'm hearing a lot of Beck styled twists that are exciting.
  9. wow, Glenn and Andrew Bird. I'm sold. edit: 10 bucks says the Tanglewood audience gets a good preview of the stuff.
  10. Paul McCartney also played drums on Back in the USSR.
  11. what has Deerhoof done that was defiant?...
  12. why did he pick What Light for the video...? I feel like if they were talking about guitar, they could've picked a better song.
  13. I can't remember, but I recall Summerteeth having a very melodramatic name before they stole the joke for the title.
  14. I think that if you don't believe you can't teach talent, you're pretty ignorant. I'm sorry, but you think John Lennon could just pick up the guitar and play it better than me if he's never played it before? Nostalgia deifes these people because they made some pretty bold artistic strides, but I don't think anyone comes out born with an intense passion and talent for something. I don't really think "Nature" really exsists, I think each child and individual responds to their environment differently. You can't call out what child is going to be prodigious or which one isn't. Besides, if Bri
  15. I think somone else would have been there if Dylan wasn't. I also think that people tend to give too much weight to people like Dylan and Neil Young, and tend to give them some kind of Olympian treatment. They didn't come out of the womb able to write better than the baby next to them. In reality they're just normal people. Dylan may be a bit of a douche bag and I think he's just huge on his own ego, but I don't think he's not normal because his job is to write songs (which for the past like 25 years or so he's been kind of sucking at hard). People can't really say what's "crazy" about hi
  16. I don't really understand the hate against Shake it Off. I kinda like it, there's some groove in there, some sweet parts.
  17. what about movies? or comics? videogames are more similar to those than music, and they're extremely legitimate. I'm not expecting you to write a thesis, I just wish you would attempted to be educated and open before making a bold, black and white statement.
  18. but see, how fucking cool is that. 4 years old and he can beat an intelligent, competent adult? I think that says something for videogames, the fact that a 4 year old has even slight mastery over something that requires so much processing and coordination. I'm not writing off reading or saying videogames are the answer, but I see alot of people shitting on video games who usually can't explain themselves because they have some lofty notion of what they think videogames are, and for the most part haven't taken an honest shot at playing some.
  19. you know what I hate is how people play down creative things like video games or music as "dumb", but I imagine most people don't have enough experience to really articulate why one is dumb. What's so "dumb" about GTA, or videogames? I mean, no one sits down and says, "here, I'm going to do a series of problem solving" but video games provide a lot of creative opportunities for individuals, whether they're conscious of it or not. Tons of videogames have problem solving aspects that require thinking. Not to mention a lot of videogames are art in a bunch of ways; either narratively they emp
  20. I haven't read the article, but I don't think that this generation is dumber at all, I just think from observing my peers that they have a horrible work ethic. if anyone ever wonders why America is on the global decline, it's because the generation that solidified America as the world's greatest was one of the hardest working generations. Every generation since has gotten a little lazier and lazier. I'm in one of the most work intensive schools in the states and even here where you're supposed to be the best and hardest working people still slack off and think that because they are at a plac
  21. to be fair, I'm pretty sure he's shouting because the person in his ear piece is telling him to "just read it" and the person in front of him is also trying to talk to him, so he's getting this frustrating barrage of stupid.
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