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Everything posted by giraffo

  1. two odd repeats here tonight..they seem to be easing into it here, tonight.
  2. also, they're the same chords, Halcyon.
  3. those harmonies on War on War are so good...
  4. I wrote this one down on my paper as "Pot Kettle Black (intense)"
  5. I'm here, geeking but working. and yeah, I think whoever said that they're probably not allowed to play the music at the Riv is right..
  6. she's nothing really special...she's doing nudes now so she can shove herself and her above average voluptuousness into the limelight and salvage what little is left of her career...I mean, she's certainly not ugly, but I don't imagine why anyone would think her as "hot" or "TV beautiful"...they have to work a lot a lot of magic on her to get her to look this good. You'll never get any pictures of her behind, because it's most likely a gruesome sight.
  7. any chance we could get Night 3 with the same treatment? I'm at school and torrents don't work on my connection... it would be appreciated.
  8. if you went to where I go, you do that on average, and pull all nighters in spring semesters once a week. I had 10 pages of comics due today, 5 of which I had less than 5 days to do. I stayed up til 7 am and woke up at 12:30 a half hour late for class. frequently you have 8-10 hours of homework for each class. I think USA today or something remarked my school as having the most work for an undergraduate...
  9. I imagine some of why they didn't leave O'Rourke mixing is because even this his mixing his genius, it's weird. Just listen to how he mixes drums in the EQ on YHF...two good examples are HMD and PKB, they're both straight foward sounding drum beats but they're still mixed odd. Not the kind of mixing I think you want on a clear, mellow, easygoing record, I guess.
  10. wow, and you're from Albany. a real, actual New Yorker, not like those city hipsters. but yeah, if the guy can do it in Albany, the White House should be no problem. edit: but yeah, a few little problems and people are willing to give the boot to somone actually promising in a split second. it's a shame.
  11. despite the troubles he's had in office, I hope that man runs for president one day.
  12. now you're putting words in my mouth. I never said anything like that...nice try, I never even said anything regarding terrorism being bad or good, I was talking about how it fits into a certain context. and instead of trying to take a passive aggressive stab at me, instead just use my name since everyone knows who you're referring to anyway.
  13. does it make you feel better to take a quote entirely out of context for a witty pun? obviously judging from my previous statements, no, that's not my only problem. but for the discussion of terrorism, I wouldn't think about it very much.
  14. my only problem with the incident in Japan is that it predates 9/11 and the attitude. I was aware of the ones in Spain and UK, but I said Canada and most of Europe for that exact fact. Also, I looked up the Japanese one and can't find the terrorist organization responsible..which could mean it was a domestic group or a group completely unrelated to the context of what many people believe terrorism to fit in...everyone knows that when a presidential candidate is referencing terrorism, they're not talking McVeigh or the unibomber, they're talking about Muhammed at the corner store with his bea
  15. am I the only one who things terrorism is a sham? I mean, 9/11 was terrible and it was definitely means for a reaction, but it seems to me that there really isn't a war on terror anymore...From what I understand, 9/11 could have been prevented easily, but it was pretty much allowed to happen. Now it seems like everyone thinks such a catastrophe is around the corner again, just ready to happen every day. I don't think it doesn't work like that. Listening to these new presidential candidates talk about terrorism and being "soft" on terrorism....it's like the Cold War, another infamous histor
  16. I haven't been following this very closely, but if it comes down to Hilary and McCain....sigh.
  17. I would guess I'm The Man, a studio cut of live Spiders or Impossible Germany, or Side With the Seeds. Theologians has some potential. But I imagine as is, I'm The Man... or Impossible Germany would fit best. Spiders would be an interesting song though, there's so much weird guitar work spaced out between punching power chords and noise. They could probably shorten out some of it too, but it would be really interesting to see such a weird guitar solo on Guitar Hero, it would actually be harder to play than some of Nel's stuff.
  18. breaking the fourth wall! breaking the fourth wall!
  19. I don't get what is vapid about the characters...they seem like normal people. why is it that every 20 year old has to have some huge grandiose thing to say or have to have the most interesting life or something? not everyone goes around travelling the world or some crap. what's wrong with just being normal and uninteresting? I thought that was the point of the characters, too. People demonize the characters, but I can't understand it.
  20. woah, woah, are we back on page 1 here, guy?
  21. who cares about character development? it wasn't really about character development, it was about a hypothetical monster attack on NYC and the trials of one group of people.
  22. The Ruling Class was about somone Tweedy met in rehab.
  23. I'm from New York, and I have long standing family ties with the Giants, but I'm currently in Rhode Island and the Patriots are interesting. I'm torn, but I'm at least hoping the Giants put up a good game, if they win, it'd be good. I'll probably choose at half time which team I'm dedicated to.
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