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Everything posted by giraffo

  1. I just recently am getting really into Friend Opportunity, I had gotten it forever ago but I haven't listened to and enjoyed it this much. Greg Saunier is an animal on the kit...he's got to be one of the most interesting drummers I've ever seen. I was just wondering if their past stuff is as worthwhile and if anyone knows what their plans are for 2008?
  2. he's 5'5''. if you see some videos of him on bigger stages you get a good feel when he's holding a guitar how small he is. But he doesn't compare, I'm 5'3'' so even then he's even more on the side of normal. and don't get me wrong, as much as I try to hate Radiohead for Thom's writing, they are a damn good, inventive, innovative group of guys and I like their music despite his drawl.
  3. I don't get the relation that either of these bands hold. Tweedy is an amazing writer who can write in a variety of tones and styles. Thom Yorke on the other hand tries too hard to be some fatalistic tortured asshole. I think YHF bears no similarities to the most digital of Radiohead's work. Personally, Wilco comes off as honest even at it's most abstract, where Radiohead is just some esoteric attempt at angst. Thom Yorke can be funny, even though he was probably not trying to.... edit: also, being a guy of pretty short stature, I do appreciate what Thom Yorke has done for us short, sem
  4. while it's nice to think that he'd be up for it, there is more to contacting management than scheduling an interview.
  5. I don't get it, the type of band somone is in should define their lifestyle and habits?
  6. I prefer the green jacket+ Brian Wilson beard over the scraggle and white suit
  7. maybe we can get some of the pretty Loose Fur songs like Hey Chicken or Wanted, or Wreckroom. Laminated Cat wouldn't be bad. A HMD+ Chinese Apple medeley would be interesting, too.
  8. actually, isn't Michael the one that's dead?
  9. I was just wondering, I honestly am not the biggest fan of the record, but why don't people like it? I'm only wondering because it seems like people here dig Animal Collective out the wazoo, but this seems so much more accessible, but that's just me, I guess. Alot of AC seems like noisy sample mashups or weird dissonant chord smash freakouts headed by 'Avey Tare' while this one seemed more focused and just easier overall.
  10. his delivery, his ghosting himself, his rehashing of the same style of music he used in his "golden era" to cash in on his identity, there are plenty of things, I suppose, those are a few.
  11. I hate recent Dylan material and shows.
  12. do you realize his job is to get up and perform for hundreds/thousands of people? if he was an introvert and this wasn't necesarily an interesting concept to him, maybe he should reconsider his job? People go pay money to see these shows, the least he could do is act interested in the music he's made. plenty of rock stars do it, he could at least try.
  13. am I the only one who...doesn't like this song?
  14. at least it's used for an extremely good game.
  15. I thought the comparison to Grizzly Bear was odd, because while Panda Bear has his freedom in looping and melody and schitzo structure, Grizzly Bear has a lot of more convential structuring. I thought the album was good, but I didn't really think it sounded entirely like a cohesive album, more like a bunch of ideas. Maybe that's my one problem, is that the loose structures of the songs don't make them sound like flowing parts of songs but entirely different songs nonetheless. Definitely interesting, though. I don't get how musicianship is a question, there's more to that title than simply b
  16. there is a Being There magizine? http://beingtheremag.com/index.php
  17. yeah, for those who don't know, the Strokes actually played their first show there, too.
  18. I am wondering though, it seems like there isn't another way to get tickets that aren't from Ticketmaster...I could be ignorant about how widespread Ticketmaster, but doesn't it constitute some kind of monopoly somehow? I don't frequently buy tickets, but it seems like every time I have this organization has been involved, and no other ones have. Do they even have a competing company or something?
  19. that's not how it works if you want to say something on a forum, you don't dick out when you take some heat, it's an area for discussion, not onesided ranting. you "said what you needed to say", be openminded enough to let other people "say what they need to say"
  20. I don't agree with Radiohead. I mean, they have the fanbase, but the quality of their stuff isn't -that- good. Thom Yorke is a very overrated writer, I haven't ever heard him writer a song that wasn't needlessly moody or dark. It's appealing, but after awhile it's pretty bland. The guy needs to try writing some upbeat sunny lyrics, because even though he could be depressed, people who are actually depressed don't wear it on their sleeve by writing kitschy, dark songs. I would say JT is an all around more consistent writer and much more self aware, and I would put him up against even Dylan
  21. last year I was in the same predicament, then for a graduation gift my girlfriend bought us tickets and she was converted. I was really nervous about the drive (I'm a new driver behind the wheel of a car that wasn't mine for a distance I was not used to), but every hour and second was worth it. I'm aching to go to a show, but I am not sure whether not I can make this one, despite the fact I would love to. trust me, from an 18 year old kid who was nervous about it to somone much more worthy and experienced: it will easily be the best concert you've gone to. I know everyone is hyping it, but
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