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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I agree with that. I kept thinking how the people in the audience were used to being on the stage watching US dancing around, bobbing our heads, clapping out of time, having spontaneous bursts of enthusiasm, etc. It must be nice for them to have those positions reversed. I particularly thought Yoko had some sweet moves. And I really enjoyed watching some of the younger or more alternative performers singing along with Okie From Muskogee. Hilarious!
  2. I missed that but I have the show DVR'd. Do you know approximately when they did that? Like between which performers or categories?
  3. Yep. Damn. And Mavis lost to Rodney Crowell and Emmylou. I haven't heard that one but, again, probably a worthy competitor.
  4. The men don't know but the little girls understand.
  5. I ended up with one spare GA ticket for Friday night's show at the Vic. Tickets are at Will Call but I will be in line early so can provide to you at the venue. The cost was $75 + fees but I'll take a little less, so make an offer.
  6. For what it's worth, I called the Holiday Inn as soon as this got announced yesterday and the woman there laughingly told me she'd already gotten 6 calls. She put my name on a call back list (since I'd stayed there before) but then about an hour later she called and said she had been informed that it was going to be the same as last year--artists only. Nothing open to the public. Re other hotels in Williamstown, Maple Terrace and the Willows are very similar properties, similar pricing and policies in the past. There's a shuttle bus stop right beside the Willows. [Edit: I didn't mean to rep
  7. I just have to respond to the comment about the Willows. I've stayed there twice--in 2010 and again last year--and both times it just couldn't have been nicer. I totally believe you had this bad experience, because the innkeepers are simply overwhelmed with the response to Solid Sound, but I don't think your experience was typical, at least not to my knowledge. Most of the hotels in Williamstown are smaller mom and pop type operations, without elaborate reservations systems, and it's easy to believe they could screw up a reservation. Recognizing that this is a huge challenge for them, gettin
  8. I'm so glad to finally have the announcement made! And I'm glad it's not over the 4th of July weekend. The only hotels within walking distance are Holiday Inn and Porches, and last year neither one of these were available to the public. They were reserved for the artists. Who knows what will happen between now and then, but it would probably be a miracle to get a reservation at either one of these places unless you've got some insider status.
  9. Whoa, Thanks! Tthat is quite an article. It goes on to contain lots more Tweedy quotes and references. Here's the whole thing. (Not sure how well this thing is going to come out format-wise.) Published in the February 2014 issue How do you like your eggs, Bob Dylan, How do you like your eggs? You're walking on broken legs, Bob Dylan, But you still make us beg, Bob Dylan. So how do you like your eggs?* You can't look at him. If you work at one of the arenas where he plays, you're not allowed to look at him when he makes his way from the bus to the stage. If you play at one of the arenas whe
  10. Yeah, well, you maybe don't know smells like flowers. That's how she likes 'em.
  11. Oh, I like those lyrics. Kinda stupid, but in a kinda stupid song, so they fit. (I mean stupid in a good way--I LOVE I'm A Wheel!) On the other hand, one line that always hits me with a thud in a song I really like is "like we've discussed" in Please Be Patient With Me. I love that song but I hate that one clunky line.
  12. Oh fantastic! Never seen Beck live and always wanted to. This'll be one worth traveling for if necessary.
  13. A little off topic, but I love the part near the end of Mutineer when Warren sings "Grab your coat, let's get out of here" and the "out of here" is sung in an intimate, conversational phrasing. It's just so affecting.
  14. I've always loved Radio Care, but that moment at Solid Sound 2 when the PA cut out and the audience kept it going just sealed it into one of my favorite musical moments. But I have another Wilco friend who considers it a snoozer, so I guess it's one of the more polarizing Wilco songs.
  15. This IS weird. Remember that long run of shows where they never played any songs off Wilco (The Album)? It must be some legal issue having to do with publishing rights. . Who's brave enough to ask Jeff this question at the Vic shows? Not me.
  16. I want some WILCO! I'm starting to worry about when those boys will ever get back in the Loft together and get back out on the road. It's been too long. I miss 'em.
  17. But we reserve the right to erupt in spontaneous standing Os!
  18. Just got my tickets for Saturday, 3/15 at the National in Richmond. If anyone is coming let me know so we can meet up before the show.
  19. http://tvrecaps.ew.com/recap/30-rock-season-5-episode-3-queen-latifah/
  20. I don't know about his marital/parental/sexual orientation status but I believe he's black, so I guess we can assume he's not a Wilco fan.
  21. Start a nice lighthearted political thread that doesn't devolve into long winded , preachy, pointless nastiness?
  22. I think Spotify does create and run a discover radio station. Or something just like it. For instance I read your post about M. Ward's Transfiguration of Vincent. I looked it up and it's been playing all these perfect songs by bands I've mostly never heard of but which sound great to me. I really did like that first cut off the M. Ward album--I must go back and listen to the whole album some other time, Right now though this radio station is irresistible. I'll be honest. It's been a rough week at work so I came home, had a little dinner and took a few bong hits. That, and this Spotify statio
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