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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I was just listening to Theologians yesterday and fell in love with this song all over again. Great lyrics, great groove, and a very meaningful song to me. Seems like Wilco doesn't play it nearly often enough. So, big request here: Would you guys mind helping me stuff the ballot box for this one in Virginia Beach on 7/25? I would really appreciate it if you would make the short journey over to wilcoworld.net and request this one for me NOW--while you're thinking of it. Who knows, it might just work.
  2. I disagree. I think that if more people sought out contemplative, reflective media outlets (NPR, The Economist, The Atlantic just some examples) rather than polarized sources (Fox, MSNBC) we would be able to have reasonable discussions. But most of what people consume now is junk/fast food with screaming headlines. What are the biggest obsessions right now? Zimmerman, the royal baby, Cory Monteith. Who gives a flying fuck?
  3. You know, I'm painting with too broad a brush when I say guns, and you're right to correct me. I get similarly frustrated with what appears TO ME to be an obsessive interest in and endless repetition of new horrors about almost any dark, negative thing that is an example of the ugly side of human nature. Guns are right up there, along with hunting, animal cruelty, terrorism, and intractable political debates where people are so entrenched in their own point of view and it's just "talk to the hand." We live in an age when everyone can self-select what they see as the correct version of the news
  4. Totally different. That's enthusiastic fans discussing joyous things. Endlessly fascinating. As I suppose this shit is if guns are your thing.
  5. This. Seriously. Honestly, I never thought so many Wilco fans would find guns and gun-related topics so endlessly absorbing. I just glance at the thread every few days and shake my head. Sorry, Hixter, your infallible politeness and dedication to responding to every single point that anyone makes is just bizarre. No one is changing anyone's mind around here. It's just endless yammering on about the same damn thing, interspersed with minutiae about court testimony. It is so BORING and such a waste of creative energy. I suppose I can just choose to ignore it completely, but I keep hoping the thr
  6. A bit off topic, but my current favorite podcast is Marc Marion's. He goes deep and he has an unexpected and original twist on things, always brutally honest. If you haven't heard the one with David Sedaris you should listen right now. I would love to see what he could get out of Jeff.
  7. Great find! Good old Jeff Garlin can't keep his mouth shut. I hope this tour won't be just on the west coast.
  8. Got tickets for the October 12 show at the National in Richmond, VA through a friend. Having just seen Jeff Mangum for the first time a few months ago, this should be interesting. And The National is a great venue.
  9. As I understand it, security is extremely tight. I assume that anything anybody captures from Dylan's set is pure luck or brass balls! I wouldn't think it would be as much of an issue for the other acts, though, especially since they'll be in all or mostly daylight.
  10. This was from Spencer's blog post about his family's trip to the Grammys--pretty hilarious! "We found out yesterday that Wilco’s category isn’t televised, which is a big let-down because my dad was ecstatic at the idea of giving a speech to millions of people (not). Normally when he speaks on stage he ends up telling a story about one of the strangely-many times he’s crapped himself in a hotel room. He’ll probably lose to Foo Fighters (or as we in the Tweedy household call them, Poo Fighters) again, anyway."
  11. Not a book, but if you haven't seen the Martin Scorsese documentary "No Direction Home" you have got to watch that. It was first aired on PBS, I think, but there's a DVD available. It's got some great archival footage, but the best part--to me--was the interview segments interspersed throughout the doc. Ol' Bob is usually not the most straightforward chronicler of his own life, but here he really seems to have been interested in shooting straight. Some of the things he says are extremely candid and self aware--like when he's talking about songwriting, even he seems mystified at how such a floo
  12. Jeff has definitely made some disparaging remarks about them, in the context of losing the Grammy to them. But I don't think he intended the insults seriously. It was just typical droll Jeff humor--the stuff I heard anyway.
  13. I've tried to organize meetups too, and the only time it's been halfway successful is when it's right at the venue. The reason, I think, is that for a majority of diehard fans at a GA show, there's a determination to get as close to the front as possible. So the priority is lining up early and the bar socializing takes a backseat. At a reserved seat show, though, I enjoy getting together at a bar beforehand.
  14. I'm so glad you pointed us to that thread, A-man. I just read the whole 5 pages and am grinning from ear to ear. I'm really glad to read and hear such nice, human things about him, because I hate going to see him with a sour attitude. These heartwarming things really help.
  15. This one (Swiss Liz) is just amazing, and it's somewhat legendary among Dylan fans. I don't think she ever takes her eyes off him for one second.
  16. Yes, thanks very much, ripthisjoint. I can't believe how compulsively I'm following along with every damn one of these shows!
  17. I had to google both names to make sure those were bands and I hadn't wandered into a home decorating thread.
  18. My natural instinct on the Zimmerman thing is to think this is a total travesty, and actually it would be hard to persuade me otherwise. But you never can factor in how things go over with a jury, and they are the ones who are present every day in the courtroom and also have to negotiate their own understanding of jury instructions. I'll bet one of the chief tipping points was how the jury felt about whether that was Trayvon Martin or Zimmerman on that audio.
  19. You know, I'm really trying not to be pissed off at Bob for being such a recluse. I've always felt that he's a genius and he's entitled to his idiosyncrasies. I don't think anyone was expecting him to be a glad hander. I remember reading President Obama's remarks about him after the Medal of Honor award presentation. “He didn’t want to take a picture with me; usually all the talent is dying to take a picture with me and Michelle before the show, but he didn’t show up to that,” [Obama] told the magazine. After performing “The Times They Are A-Changin’,” the President reported that Dylan “Ste
  20. . . . is just waiting for Mr. Heartbreak's $5. . . TO BE BLOWN!! Seriously, they have just GOT to do that song!
  21. Thank you, thank you. [Takes a bow] It's my mission in life to corrupt America's youth, one movie or one bong hit at a time. Is it just me, or did James Franco sort of give off a Tweedy vibe?
  22. Time to revive this thread. I was lost in a shopping trance at the jewelry counter at Nordstrom today when I heard Pot Kettle Black come wafting through. It snapped me back to reality and I escaped with just a $13.00 pair of earrings. Close call. Thank you, Wilco!
  23. I LOVE that hat. I bought it in red.
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