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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Love, love, love this show. One of the best things on TV right now.
  2. Two that get me every time are Long, Long Time by Linda Ronstadt (was there ever a relationship or was it all a fantasy?) and I Can't Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt. Aaaack! Maybe that's why I tend to listen to more men singers!
  3. The complicating thing will be shipping it internationally in a frame. I'd be willing to put in a bid but only on the poster itself, rolled up in a tube. Of course, if Ross can find a buyer there in the UK it would be a lot easier to sell. Another idea: Whenever Wilco announces UK dates (none that I know of now) maybe you could check back in, either here or on Facebook. Obviously, this poster is going to be of the most interest to Wilco fans. (Duh!)
  4. Oh, not just a few. I always look forward to your writeups, especially when you're able to give us details on banter and the general "feel" of the show. But even when it's just a setlist, I know it's going to be right--and usually fast!
  5. Well, I sure don't want to see Wilco moving to huge arena venues, like U2 and Springsteen. I much prefer a space like the 9:30 Club where you maintain the lively, sweaty, standing-only vibe, but for whatever reason, Wilco seems to also enjoy playing at the beautiful old theatres with seating, which is always going to lead to a standing/sitting debate. I'm glad Jeff weighed in on the issue, but I do wish they'd somehow make this preference known at the start of a show. I think a few words from the stage at or near the beginning of the show would do wonders. Something along the lines of "Y'all
  6. Exactly what I think. I spend time on both FB and VC every day, but I prefer seeing the fan-related Wilco discussions taking place here. Now, last year, before Solid Sound, we set up a specific Solid Sound 2011 page over on FB and that made sense, since the only people who were signed up were people going to the fest, and we could make arrangements, share personal messages, etc. a little more easily than on here. There was just more detail on the FB page about that specific event. That made sense--but no, I don't think we should have a mirror group on FB for general Wilco discussion.
  7. I have no doubt that she is having one helluva happy birthday, since she's been enjoying the run of sourthern California shows--and she'll be partying extra hard tonight at the Los Angeles Theatre. But still, I can't let this day pass without sending out hearty birthday wishes. Donna, you're really something special and a big part of what makes this community so warm and welcoming. Love you, girl!
  8. Are the seats GA Floor? Or something else? Just so I can let her know. . . . Never mind--I just looked at the thread title. I will call her right now.
  9. Hey, did you sell these tickets yet? My niece lives in SF and I'm trying to get her to go, but she's reluctant to show up without a ticket. If she knew for sure that she had tickets I might be able to push her over the edge. (It would be nice for her to see firsthand what I'm so obessed with!) Just let me know, and I'll call her. Many thanks!
  10. See, that's why Popeye is better than Mickey!
  11. I don't think I've seen this review posted anywhere. I love that it focuses on the banter http://www.nbcsandiego.com/blogs/sounddiego/And-Wilco-Was-Their-Name-O-138080688.html
  12. Thanks! After much googling I did manage to unearth this little writeup on the Jeffversation from LASnark.com. I'm pasting the text below but be sure to click on the link if you want to see Jeff giving someone the Tweedy Bird.
  13. Did anyone here get to this event? Any idea whether it was taped or will be made available? I called the venue and got a recording that never gave me the option to reach a live person. They do have a couple of pictures posted here but that's all--nothing on Twitter or Facebook either. The lack of coverage seems surprising, since the event was sold out. Doesn't everyone else enjoy hearing Jeff talk as much as I do??
  14. That's so funny--I posted a comment on the video site itself mentioning both of those things are standouts, too! They were such random, insider things (like the way Nels does use eggbeaters, etc., and the way we all tease about Pat's hair) that I think there was more than a little Wilco input into that video.
  15. The other quote from the article that seems odd is the statement from Jeff where he supposedly said that they play the entire new album at almost every concert. That's definitely not true--it's more like maybe 8 songs--and I can't imagine that Jeff would have actually said that. I suspect it was an unintentional misquote. Otherwise, it was a really good article from someone who's obviously a fan!
  16. What the. . .?? But yes, and here's more.
  17. I've always loved this song and have wanted to hear it played live. I just looked it up on wilcoworld and it looks like the last time they played it was at the Fillmore in SF in 2000! I know it was an Uncle Tupelo song but it was a Jeff song. Any idea why it's never played live anymore?
  18. My bet is that he looks at this board once in a while, but nowhere near as much as some of us (yes, I'm looking in the mirror) do. He's even said as much in some interviews--that recent one with Jian Ghomeshi, the Canadian guy,comes to mind. He said something about getting all wrapped up in what people think of him and Wilco, especially when there's a new album. Speaking of what he thinks about what we think of him, have y'all seen this, from Chicago AV Club? It's an oldie but one of my favorites--Jeff was in an especially playful/cranky mood.
  19. Here's a decent interview in advance of the Tempe, AZ show. Maybe the first time I've read Jeff explicitly talking about the "you won't set the kids on fire" lyric--he means it literally! http://www.azcentral.com/thingstodo/music/articles/2012/01/13/20120113wilco-jeff-tweedy-interview-whole-love.html
  20. "of sorts" is right. That's one of the worst-written articles I've ever read.
  21. In the current issue of Rolling Stone, there's a letter to the editor from Nels:
  22. Here's a link with a little bit of an explanation from Tony Margherita: http://www.iberkshir...rce=top_stories Damn, I'm disappointed, but now I guess it's time to focus on where they might announce new tour dates somewhere on the east coast. I can't quite see driving up to North Adams for a single benefit concert. As to hotel reservations, the Holiday Inn says they are not booking that far out--they book about one year ahead, according to the reservations person I spoke with. No idea about the policies at other properties.
  23. Oh Louie, you are the epitome of cool. I would have been plotzing to hear Jeff say my name from the stage that night, and I would be passing that recording around to anyone who would listen! I loved what he said, too, about the room being so small that they knew everyone there by name. The recording is wonderful--you're in for a treat.
  24. Don't some bands routinely do post-concert soundboard recordings and make them available via their website, at a reasonable price? I think Phish does this. I would love it if Wilco offered something like this on a regular basis. I think there's enough of a fan base to support it--I know I would gladly pay a few bucks for high-quality recordings that I could either download from, say, the dBpm website or order on CD. It would seem to offer a nice revenue stream for the band and I don't think it would dilute album sales. I know that I should be able to do FLAC downloads and all that, but I can
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