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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. See, and I was pretty sure they didn't. I heard it at shows last year, tho.
  2. Are you referring to the 4th one?!?
  3. No, it wasn't fancypants Shakespeare but it was Jonas Rice (well during the 3rd settlement). He named it after Worcester, UK. Quite a few of our cities/towns here in Massachusetts are named after cities in England, actually. EDIT: The Nipmuc tribe was here first and named many of our areas that we still use today.
  4. You said you have "no respect" for it. Did Worcester DO something TO you?!? (Sorry to hi-jack for a moment. Just curious...)
  5. Alison Krauss - When You Say Nothing At All Killed me 7 years ago when it was "our's" and kills me moreso now that there is no "our" anymore.
  6. You know I'm TOTALLY stealing that for my MySpace, right?!?
  7. Ummm, it's been a YEAR and three months. I started it (even tho I forgot it was me) and I didn't want A-man catching me being lazy
  8. I would put my daughter back in the car and turn around. I don't know the feeling, YET, C-Daddy but I wish you luck!
  9. So a year later, I guess I'm eating my own words. My girls and I just watched this. They've seen it before and picked it out for movie night yesterday. It does seem more like a kids' movie but it has even a better message than Bruce did, imo anyway. I actually feel bad for Evan... Not as funny as Bruce but better than I thought.
  10. And to think just last June when I requested it for the sound check Jeff said "That's old. We don't really play that anymore." John added, "It'll be the worst version you ever hear." Thank goodness for the Residency and da Total Proz
  11. So weird...two people NOT on the board both sent me this same link this morning. I love how my friends take good care of me
  12. Hope you had a great day Sue! Your husband made sure to tell the 20 or so of us that patiently waited for him last night that it was your SPECIAL day
  13. Thanks Jonathan!!! It was without a doubt the best set list I've ever heard in person and the double encore was unbelievable!!! I don't recall ever hearing "I'm A Wheel" before and it was an INCREDIBLE way to end it!!! The weather was great and the crowd was energetic!!! Meeting Jeff was the highlight of my night, my week, my year and yea, probably my life!!!
  14. What a great contribution to our world he was...
  15. Stunned...completely. The Bernie Mac Show was one of my favorite shows, just such a new and different way to do a comedy, ya know?!? Rest in peace Bernie
  16. Well, Jenna, you may hate doing this but you did an amazing job. My favorite picture is the black & white one Side note: I was listening to ZD & MW's 'This is Not a Test' and 'Change is Hard' while viewing the slideshows. Kinda funny timing
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