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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. Great interview with Westerberg in Pitchfork: Westy - Pitchfork
  2. I'm really looking forward to this one. I loved his last release but it certainly was not a "rock" record. I'm going to have to try and catch him as he comes through the midwest as well. If you haven't seen Alejandro, you should.
  3. I love the Japanese tea garden. Also, if you have a car, a day trip to Sonoma or Napa Valley is a good idea. I'd also recommend hitting Anchor Steam brewery. If that isn't feasible, at least drink the beer the entire time you are there.
  4. great interview that i lifted from largehearted boy which lifted from Billboard: billboard link i'm looking for some departure from the "party talk". Really looking forward to this release.
  5. Guys - Ellen DeGeneres is apparently gay!! She's now getting married to Abby McBeal or something. Sidenote: Ellen is 50 years old. I think she looks dawgone good. Congrats to Ellen and Abby!
  6. I don't want to speak for Ikol but I am going to go out on a limb and say that he was not suggesting that law should allow for incest or marriage to one's children or a minor. Oh, and yaayyy for the Gay folks of California. These laws were just medieval.
  7. Not too shabby... here's another twist on it with a topical twist: Bill O'Reilly auditions for Roger Ebert replacement
  8. Kurt would think; mistake #1) Marrying Courtney Love. mistake #2) Killing self.
  9. Have we decided if young people are ok yet?
  10. My original response was going to be...."I don't know. Ask the folks in my office every 3 minutes." However, in seriousness, I think, on varying levels, people can be "intelligent" as you indicated. However, to Ikol's point, there are nature and nurture factors at play that impact to what level people can be intelligent. I am not convinced that everyone has the ability to be intelligent as it pertains to thinking abstractly, etc.
  11. This can't possibly be true but I understand your intent.
  12. Completely coincidentally, my HR manager forwarded this out to us today. Considerations for hiring "millenials"
  13. We didn't have cars when I was a teenager. We walked uphill, thru 10 feet of snow to get to work and we liked it. Minimum wage was $3.35/hr. One of these statements is true. That said, teenagers today are not the same and we cannot expect them to be. They grew up in the 'computer age' and life has been extremely different for them. That said, it should give many of us job security for the rest of our working lives. These fuckers aren't going to be competing for top-level positions
  14. He is who I am hoping would have a spin-off. That would be worth watching. Ed Helms is brilliant.
  15. Completely agree... I listen to them with great regularity. The guy is fucking hysterical.
  16. Thanks for the link. I saw this in Sunday's Tribune and was a bit shocked. Looks like we may be able to, at least, get our voice heard. I'm all for safety in the clubs but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
  17. This is big news. David Cross kills me.... if you haven't ever seen/heard his comedy albums, well, you should.
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