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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. being enthusiastic about the position is definitely a huge plus. Be prepared to talk about your strengths. I'm always surprised when people can't express to me why they are a fit for a given position. Also, if weaknesses come up, be prepared to explain your weakness and what you are doing to ensure success. vibes
  2. I agree on "easy on yourself" and "daylight"...definitely not my favorites. "John Henry" and "Danko" are some of the most solid songs on "Dirty South". Love those two. As far as the partying goes, when I saw Jason last month, he was getting after it. It is clear that he is living the rock and roll lifestyle. I had the honor of purchasing him a makers mark. He's young, he'll recover.
  3. Completely agree. Say what you will about Billy but I am sure happy he tapped Wilco on the shoulder for this project (I'm guessing he is too). These guys aren't necessarily a perfect match but it sure worked for an album and a half or so.
  4. Yea, i want to like that idea but i think that they both need someone more experienced as their running mate. Not dick cheney experienced but experienced.
  5. Really? Meh? Thanks for the link. Looking forward to seeing these guys again. So fucking talented. Glad to see they are gaining more and more popularity. They may outgrow me in the near future as I can't stand the larger venues. That is part of the reason I'm actually excited about Jason's departure. He's back in the dingy clubs for the foreseeable future. That guy has a ton of runway though.
  6. You just made up my mind for the ride home.
  7. I don't think it's necessarily damaging for either to stay in, however, think of how powerful they could be unified.
  8. this is about Herb folks...save the arguing for the Ryan Adams/Tweedy thread. A 93 year old man was plucked from his prime.
  9. RIP Herb. However, side note, I make an egg mcmuffin that's BETTER than mcdonalds. In fact, much better. And bobbob, I know this is all subjective.
  10. I saw the Truckers once without Jason thus far. It was the Dirt Underneath tour and it was less intense as a result of the acoustic setting. That said, it was still great. I'm going to see them in Chicago in May and my expectations are high. I really like the new album. I think that there is a clunker or two but overall really solid with some of Patterson's finest work.
  11. Yes, really liking this one. Love the cover as well.
  12. I wonder if mine can be a Diet Dr. Pepper cherry vanilla. I love that stuff.
  13. Van Gogh and Adams are both 'has-beens'
  14. Very scary...glad to hear things are working out ok. Vibes to a quick recovery.
  15. on the way to work today: Waco Brothers: Waco Express: Live and Kickin' at Schubas better than coffee... fun album.
  16. A friend I was watching the game with was referring to him as the 'guy from Spin Doctors'.
  17. Arcade Fire is full of has-beens. Wilco is the most influential and popular band on the planet. Thanks.
  18. Hell, I'm on your side and I don't agree with you bobbob. Wilco has a very large following nowadays.
  19. Thank you for clarifying everything. Sometimes I get confused with what I like.
  20. After 4 or 5 listens, I'm really liking that one. "Hardwire Healing" is probably a more consistently good album but really liking the new one too.
  21. I just expected a more thorough search to be done before creating a separate topic.
  22. YAAAYYY!! I love this shit. I may have to make a run for the Indiana border on Saturday.
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