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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. If you have to explain your joke, it's not your best work.
  2. This other board that you visit sounds magical! Can you post a link??!
  3. I have a feeling that some of these "new" members may have very similar IP addresses.
  4. I have a couple of notes out to her to see if she's willing. I will go up to $60 for (3) seperate mentions.
  5. I don't think she would. I would think that she would record every song once and then create a library to build the personalized cd. I could be wrong though. Unless she's changing the lyrics to incorporate the buyer's name, really no point in special recording each. However, if she'll incorporate my name in every song like she is singing to me, I'm definitely in for $50. It'd be great for parties.
  6. Ellsworth , You are truly an inspiration. Your unwavering principles are simply unparalled. We are all lemmings worshipping at the Wilco alter. All of the extremely valid points that everyone seemed to make disputing your arguments are simply "smoke and mirrors". You have changed my mind, and my thinking, permanently. I may forgive Wilco for this transgression, but I will never forget. Stay obsessed buddy! Your Pal, mbb
  7. I'm not going to mention any names but I think that there are some folks that are a bit obsessed with making their point in this thread. Honestly, let's let this go. Think of the time wasted not changing anyone's mind. Disappointing - Yes Selfish, sell-out, the bands reputation is ruined forever in the fan's minds - No
  8. I wasn't trying to put words in anybody's mouth. I'm just saying that charity starts at home.
  9. It's simple supply and demand. There are clearly fans that are interested in a personalized cd from their favorite artists. I can't tell you what I would pay for a Tweedy or Westerberg personalized, acoustic cd. I'm guessing that Kristin doesn't exactly have her kid's college paid for just yet so I don't think greed is the primary motive. It's a very tough business and very few can make a successful living off of it. This seems to be a creative way to do just that.
  10. Wow....that is a unique idea. I loved Throwing Muses....they were a bit of a staple at the Metro back in the day. I may check this out. This is on their myspace or some other web site I presume?
  11. That is a great setlist. Jay solo is probably even more appealing to me than Jay with Son Volt.
  12. It's not very "rock and roll" to tell tales out of school
  13. So wait, you don't agree with the decision? I am just having a tough time keeping up with your position.
  14. I'm with you as long as I can continue to hate Wilco fans old and new.
  15. I hate all Wilco fans equally. I don't hate them based on how long they have been fans or how loud, drunk or tall they are at shows. I hate them for the content of their soul.
  16. SNL was actually pretty funny last week. At any rate, it sucks for the fans that will miss the show but I am SURE that Wilco will make it up to everyone that doesn't boycott them. I understand the disappointment but the theatrics is a bit much. Wilco didn't steal your iPod or something.
  17. As usual, you nailed it on the head. Seriously, Nader is completely wasting his time and efforts. I personally don't think he'll have any impact on the race. We have the most viable candidates that we have had in many, many years. Nader is becoming an insignificant parody of himself.
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