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Everything posted by laurie

  1. not to forget : Buddy Guy John Lee Hooker Leo Kotke
  2. Yes just read that - gald they noticed the event and gave it some coverage
  3. Greg - are you thining of going? Damn - I bet a lot of you will get to St L and I wish we could too. I may have to try to change my schedule but it's really a bitch to do it.
  4. Lou Reed -being opinionated, yes this is shocking
  5. Never mind St L- come and hang with us in Austin - cheap flights! Have to see them somewhere on this tour and we have buddies in Dallas who we converted - now in love as we are. Wish we could get to St L but I have clinics booked already - hard to change them.
  6. praying for this ... its sad really
  7. I know. I am worried because I fear my job may interfere with my attendance at Wilco concerts if I can't plan in advance. Damn.
  8. Here we are, Rick and I -well as I imagine it.
  9. lolla?...BRING ON THE PINES!!!!!!!!!
  10. laurie

    Residency pics

    I can't belive you said that because I searched thru the 200 photos hoping to see that one... and it wasn't there
  11. laurie

    Residency pics

    My favorite! Selfishly, because I was among the reachees BRYAN - a great pic of you. tooo bad you weren't too into the music, eh?
  12. I know! And he had that walking cast -
  13. Hey Thanks - i hadn't heard of it but thought it was just me.
  14. Do you know when the full line up is usually announced for this?
  15. could be - you most likely know him much better than I do. IN 2006,at the Pines, he had a walking cast on. he spoke to us about it -just a few words. He got a pie from a chick next to me (pecan pie) - they all put head bands on, the band members used elctrical tape and put fake mustaches on ragging on Jeff tweedy for all the hair on his face. So, he hid it well from us! It was a great experience for us and I think he must that kind of performer, who puts on a great show regardless.
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