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Everything posted by RaspberryJam

  1. Malkmus would be amazing. I saw Jeff Tweedy and the guys in Blitzen Trapper talking at Mt. Jam, so I'm holding on to the fantasy that Jeff was inviting them to play at Solid Sound.
  2. Probably the easiest way to go is to rent a car. Myself personally, I would take whichever airport is cheaper, but Albany is smaller and more convenient. Getting out of Boston can be a nightmare. Hartford (Bradley) is convenient too. I would shoot for any hotels in Williamstown first.
  3. I recall that the shuttles are free and for everyone. I would suggest staying at any hotel in Williamstown along rt. 2. I think it would be very likely that you will meet up with other concertgoers that would be happy to give you a lift. I'm pretty sure you will find that there are taxis too. Closer to the date, there will be info on the Solid Sound website about where the shuttles pick up and drop off.
  4. -As I recall, the grounds are open kind of early. I remember them offering early yoga, around 9 or 10. Music started around noon or so. -There are some bars within walking distance that have some later night music, but it was limited. To me it seemed that it wasn't a huge part of anyone's weekend. You can come and go from the festival, so it is fun to walk around North Adams. There are some galleries and restaurants if you want to get away from the festival's food and drink options. With the bigger crowds last year, the lines for the food trucks were longer. -While I would love to ha
  5. I would agree with TP, what they do at Newport is perfect. It was also done that way at Mt. Jam and it was perfect. Personally, I get to the main stage when the openers for Wilco are about to come on. I've always been between the stage and soundboard with no problem. The bigger problem is people who think that they are carving out their own piece of real estate by laying out a big blanket near the front and then when the music starts thinking that that real estate is still theirs. Behind the soundboard, sure. Maybe a letter writing campaign is in order.
  6. I've never really worked to get up front at SS. There are people who will go to the field as soon as it's open and hang at the rail all day. If you go with a friend, you could trade off I suppose. But for me, there is so much quality entertainment all around the venue, it's not worth it. Don't get me wrong, I'll go early to get at the rail at other concerts. But a lot of the appeal for me at SS is discovering new stuff and the art.
  7. I just logged onto frontgate and it says tickets are on sale at 9:55. Also-strollers should not be allowed. People were carrying them up and down stairways and seriously gumming up the gears. Passageways are too narrow to accommodate. I hate to even say it, because I'm a parent myself and seriously hate it when I feel like my rights are less important than people without kids. I'll defend babies on planes when I'm an old lady. But strollers are too much at MassMoCA.
  8. When they sent out for feedback last year, I said I would gladly pay more for less people. #3 was just too crowded.
  9. Things are a-changin around our house. In the past, we went to a friend's house down the street and all of the neighborhood kids would go out, dads would follow behind with beers-in-hand. They would go to maybe 15 houses then we would all just hang out and drink when the kids finished. Now the kids want to go to a development where the houses are closer together and they can hit up for more loot. It's a mob scene with tons of kids. I have a few friends in that neighborhood. Would it be weird if I bought them bags of candy to make up for the freeloaders I'm trucking in?
  10. My friend who was there for both nights so far said that Wednesday night was way better than Tuesday night, musically. She also mentioned that Gregg was frail.
  11. I'm happy to say that my ticket found a home with someone here, but I'd love to hear if anyone else is making any of the Beacon shows. I have a terrible case of envy toward anyone going, one for the books, for sure!
  12. My wish: 2 nights of Wilco Beck-I know that is not realistic-let me have my dreams Blitzen Trapper Deer Tick Hozier Stephen Malkmus White Denim Dr. Dog Benjamin Booker
  13. I have a single Oct 25 (saturday) to the Beacon up for grabs. 1st row of the lower balcony.
  14. Wasn't me. I came and left with my sense of humor fully intact.
  15. The brilliant Laminated Cat that came right after the tense exchange definitely benefitted from Jeff's anger. That's funny, because after a while, that's essentially what he said, that we are all on the same team, and if you can't bring your sense of humor, don't bother coming out. The show was very enjoyable. I've seen the new TWEEDY 3 times and the latest was by far the best.
  16. Fun article about how Wilco is the go-to band to represent a character's move to adulthood. http://www.vulture.com/2014/09/14-characters-whom-wilco-helped-grow-up.html?mid=facebook_vulture
  17. Jealous. Cool line up. Yes, I've seen Deer Tick before, I enjoy them quite a bit. I've seen them 4 or 5 times-each one very different than the others. I couldn't tell you what to expect!
  18. Tomorrow-Deer Tick at the new Infinity Hall in Hartford.
  19. I heard a version of Ramble On Rose that brought me to my knees on Sirius GD the other day. I wish they would post at least the date of individual songs. That way I could look it up.
  20. I need to take a listen. Seeing him live and trying to figure out how he gets that much sound out of his guitar was pretty cool.
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