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Basil II

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Everything posted by Basil II

  1. Now drinki'.......New Belgium - 2 Below Winter Ale -Robert.
  2. Hey Scott...... You and your fanily have my deepest condolences.......... --Robert. I'll call you in he next day or so........
  3. Mende...... off topic, have you ever heard of an Aussie band called "The Summer Suns"? -Robert.
  4. For what it is worth...... Go to dbetree .org... See Wilco ....date:01-02-01...title "Pieholden Suite" This was my creation......an amaglam of the two sets of YHF demos with no duplication between them. Highlight: includes full band version of "Cars Can't Escape". only flaw is the "Venus" cut-off mentioned here previously...... It distresses me that there are so many flawed copies out there....... -Robert.
  5. "Venus stopped the train" cuts off at the end from the original source.... Boy....It sounds like a lot of corrupted version out there...... -Robert
  6. That first track ....really sounds like Jay doing a parody of himself!!! The REST of the record ........is quite good. The reworking of "Palace" is def a highlight for me. -robert.
  7. ^^ ^^ ^^ Boy Michelle.....It don't get better than this for NY to serenade "Happy Birfday" to you!!! I do hope you take time out for yourself......You have a great family around you!!! -Robert.
  8. and they all like wilco!!! nice indoctrination,my friend!!! -Robert.
  9. a nice idea for a thread........ I'll be succient........I'ts been a wierd difficult year........ -Robert.
  10. Meyer's Rum on the rocks..... Note: Jay Bennett's song "drinkin' on your dime " was playing as I typed that....great song!!! -Robert.
  11. A well reasoned point....... remember, the subtitle to this thread is "pie in the sky" So perhaps a viable third party option is an idea tried in the past with iffy success/consequences..........are we not more able now than in the past to shake things up across party lines??? "Bull Moose Party" anyone??? -Robert.
  12. I love being Beverage Manager........... Pumpkin Ale is incognito til after thanksgiving............F*ck that!!! What do I do??? I bring in......... Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale and New Belgium 2 Below Zero Ale til the company figures out what tto do.... -Robert.
  13. I reallly like these guys.....so ethereal... Thanks for the rec on The Elected,Bridget......that records great! -Robert.
  14. The Washington State cougars are jus' a F*ckedup enigma this season......watch em lose to the Huskies next week.......and no f@cking bowl game....... -Robert.
  15. excellent double bill.......... any tapers??? -Robert.
  16. I've given this alot of thought....... WHY NOT???? Barack Obama (D) President Michael Steele ® Vice Prez.......currently Lt. Guv of Maryland My pipe dream..... -Robert.
  17. Wow......I thought fer sure Burns had lock on this.......I guess the demographics are changing there.......all those transplanted,liberal Californic*** are finally are making a difference. -Robert.
  18. If you get past the first song......the record is really good!! -Robert.
  19. Basil II

    Wilco Webcam

    oh......now "Whatever"!!! _robert..
  20. I usually vote for the best person........using research and such. no luck this time...striaght Democratic ticket> -robert.
  21. Basil II

    Wilco Webcam

    It's telling me to...."Go Away!......" the nerve! -Robert.
  22. shouldn't he be in a "Boston " cover band........???? -Robert.
  23. Woah........that high register does not suit him well...... --Robert.
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