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Everything posted by poppydawn

  1. Grant. He had to do something to keep himself distracted while his underlings were being corrupt. Might as well make chili. He was married into the Busch family, giving him an ample supply of Budweiser, which is only good as an additive to chili and bratwurst. If you like hot, Truman. Down-right atomic.
  2. Places you would hit in that part of the world: Fulton Hermann Mexico And, of course, Ozarkland.
  3. If it's a true Dr. Who scarf, you should be able to wear it with nothing else and still have your modesty protected. And warmed. Those are fantastic! I love the "Coquette?" one.
  4. Once you get away from the interstate, there's some really beautiful farmland and plains to the north, and the Missouri River and bluffs to the south. Lots of neat little farm towns, too.
  5. It felt so good to spend a little time there yesterday. The town's changed so much, but Shakespeare's is still the same. I came home with half a leftover pizza and three frozen ones. Well, it's not entirely the same. Now I get to watch Clara Jane soaking up the Shakespeare's vibe. She loves it. When she wasn't cramming pizza down her gullet, she was watching them being made: Here's a news piece about the sale. I only stopped at the museum once, on the way to Lollapalooza in 1995. It was so weird. And that's coming from me. There are very few things I consider too weird, but that pla
  6. Yep, the ampersand's different. I'm guessing that, over the course of the 15+ years that passed between the UT photos and the store's closing, they did some maintenance on it. The store moved at one point, sometime around 1994ish. The Elvis is Alive museum was recently sold on ebay to someone who's moving it to Mississippi. I intended to see if it had already closed during this trip, but I spent most of the time either focused on my knitting or taking care of the kiddo
  7. You know the story about "Whiskey Bottle", right? I went to college in Columbia in the early '90s, which is when I became a UT and later a Wilco fan. I was also familiar with Liquor, Guns, and Ammo. It was sort of a joke among us snotty college kids who rarely ventured into the "bad" parts of Columbia. My family happened to pass through Columbia today, which we do fairly often. We drove past the old location of Liquor, Guns and Ammo, and I was a little sad to see that the big yellow sign was gone. Later, we stopped at Shakespeare's for dinner. We got seated and I looked around to s
  8. Guess not. I should have consulted my map before I asked.
  9. Are you and Poca on the route between St. Looie and Nashville?
  10. Clara Jane was on one wicked post-birthday-cake sugar high when my mom decided it was time to take family pictures.
  11. A rare family picture, taken last night, of my spousal person, kid, and me. There's a reason why there aren't a lot of family pictures of us. This is as close as we've gotten to a good one.
  12. Stickman, I love you sig. That's one of my favorite songs.
  13. I was definitely surprised when I found out your age. You definitely seem older. In a good way.
  14. I'm dying to read this thread, but I'm at my parents' house, which is chaos. I'm waiting until tonight, when I can retreat to the spare bedroom and savor this!
  15. Tell that to my knees. And to my hair, which is very nearly totally gray under all this purple dye. (But you're right. Age ain't shit. I've got friends who are my age, a generation older, and nearly a generation younger. Cool people abound in all demographics.)
  16. How old are you, 65Days? Bob's not even of legal drinking age. I'm 3fucking5, which probably constitutes ancient.
  17. I remember that denim jacket from when they opened for R.E.M. in August, 1999.
  18. I've met Reni and Graham. I also met Oceanman, but I didn't realize it was him until a few months after the fact. He was being stealthy and shit. I'm hoping to drastically increase these numbers between the Nashville show in two weeks, and loitering around Chicago the weekend of the LRS.
  19. Jenna, you are so wrong. I do not sit on my couch with my laptop, posting on VC with the TV muted. I almost always have the TV volume on.
  20. You want it? That's right. Just rub it in. Despite the tightness of the skirt, I decided to forge ahead and make the elastic waistband casing, since I've never done that before. And I did it! Unfortunately, I did it backwards, so the seams are now on the outside. The skirt is going to be turned into pillows. Square, I can sew.
  21. I've been working on the skirt this evening. Unfortunately, I went too far in the other direction and now it looks like it came from the book "Sew What? Ass Hooker Skirts". My husband likes it. I'd rather not go around in public looking like an extra from a Sir Mix-a-Lot video.
  22. Perhaps he's not using enough willpower.
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