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Everything posted by ction

  1. I'll let it go because I know that you know that you're wrong on this.
  2. Guitars: 90's era MIM Telecaster '84 Gibson Explorer Yamaha acoustic Bass: MIM Fender P-bass Amps: Vox AC15 custom classic (w/ alnico blue speaker) Ampeg BA112 combo Peavey Studio Pro 50 combo Stuff: Big Muff pedal Rat pedal Boss tuner pedal Boss Heavy Metal pedal
  3. You should try to visit the Wilco loft if you have the time.
  4. This is probably sacrilege, but I think I prefer the Dickies cover of "Paranoid" to the original (which I also love). P.S. I find ellsworth to be an enigma, and I don't mean that as a racial slur.
  5. I know the internet can be confusing, but wasn't I the one who dubbed you the Col. Flagg of the board?
  6. ction


    I think it was Ian and Brian Baker (I vaguely remember a story about him blowing off a Government Issue show to go to NY to see Fear).
  7. I'm still not sure what your mood has to do with ranking these albums.
  8. ction


    I think most of those punks came up from DC. I think at least two were in your avatar's band.
  9. What's mood got to do with it?
  10. I made a pretty awesome mix for my pal Jeff when we were in college. In addition to some of the new fangled punk rock of the day, it also had great tracks by Neil Diamond, ELO, and recordings of me when I was 5 and 6 hosting my talk show (guests included Spiderman and Arnold Horshack). He played sections of it a couple times on his radio show at Frostburg State, and at least 2 people listening claimed to like it. I've since lost all the tapes of me as a kid, and the mix I made Jeff was stolen from his VW bus in Durango CO circa 1996. Bummer.
  11. I would fight to the death to defend your freedom to express such a profoundly wrong opinion.
  12. Can we officially declare ellsworth the Colonel Flagg of the board?
  13. Also, proof that at least 60% of your band votes Democrat.
  14. I doubt anyone but JUDE/Jules would have a problem with it.
  15. Maybe this will help....if I had to choose between listening to this guy's music and a fifteen minute loop of the keyboard intro to "The Final Countdown", I'd go with Europe.
  16. The best version of this I've ever heard was on Neil Diamond's live album Gold, live at the Troubadour.
  17. I actually listened to a song on myspace last night. I did not particularly like it, but it wasn't Nickelback-awful or anything.
  18. I would like an HD tv, Gibson (or Epiphone) Dot guitar, and the first Armchair Martian cd. That's pretty much it right now for material possessions. Oh, and maybe a car that's not an asshole.
  19. Track #3 has a noticable Hop on Pop influence, which is pretty something.
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