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Everything posted by ction

  1. 1. Sam Cooke - Live at the Harlem Square Club 2. Ramones - Leave Home Christ, now I need to come up with 18 more.
  2. I'm too lazy to read the list, but I bet Zach Boddicker from Drag the River isn't listed so it's totally bogus anyhows.
  3. It was pretty fucking goddamn hot when I went out at noon. I blame the Heat Miser.
  4. That fight was a good example of why Trot Nixon was so fucking awesome. If he was still on the team, I guarantee that he would have been all over Gomes.
  5. R.E.M. being left off an 80's list would be bad.
  6. Could someone call me and read the list to me? I only made it through a paragraph before going blind with rage.
  7. Is the red person on the far right wearing a tiara?
  8. I like 'em. And they like Drag the River, so I'd like them even if I didn't really like them.
  9. We walked him to the station in the rain and kissed as we put him on the train then we sang him a song of times long gone though we knew that we'd be seeing him again... That lying SOB.
  10. [Larry King]Describe my testicles in two words or less? And no cheating by asking Angie Dickinson.[/Larry King]
  11. [larry king]For my money, farewell songs just don't get any better than "See Ya" by Outkast. "Move it like a polaroid camera, dog"[/larry king]
  12. http://torrentfreak.com/oink-investigation...arrests-080530/
  13. It is! And it is! I lived there for a year, and thought Sir Petey would like it there. Especially in the pointy corner rooms.
  14. I used to love going to TT's. Congrats on the release!
  15. Lucero - Live at Ardent Studios They just played a smoking version of "What Else Would You Have Me Be", a song I'm not usually all that fond of. But goddamn that was awesome.
  16. Collins was brought in to be MJ's personal coach in DC. I smell a comeback...
  17. Heads up, peanuts and peanutettes. P.S. It's nice to know that discrimination and prejudice are still alive and well in the 21st century.
  18. I played the 5W Fender Champion at Guitar Center yesterday...for your apartment, this thing would be perfect.
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