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Everything posted by ction

  1. If you select a track (or album) and click "get info", one of those tabs in that pop-up has a thing where you can boost the volume. On really old, poorly mastered cds I've ripped, I usually move the bar from 50% (default) to about 75%. edit: i should note, this fix is for itunes. you'll need to delete the old version from your ipod after doing this and load the new version.
  2. That gives me hope, since those guitars look pretty damn great. I'd really like to build a Jazzmaster, but I'm thinking a Tele would probably be much easier.
  3. And I'm not even using my hands!
  4. I'd love to do this, but I have like zero experience or ability.
  5. Drag the River - I like that you guys have such variety in your songwriting. Like, some of the songs are about drinking beer, and some are about drinking whiskey. There's even one about drinking while taking pills!! Ramones - Nice wig, Marky. Hop on Pop - I like ELO too, but you don't see me forming a tribute band.
  6. Was she the one who sang "Giving You The Gift of An Unexpressed Thought"? If so, I dig the hell out of her.
  7. In the Washington Post style section, that kid is referred to as "Baby Elmo" in the weekly American Idol column.
  8. Jay Farrar + Myspace haircut - talent =
  9. I was watching Mary Lou Lord clips on youtube last night, actually. P.S. Venom is fucking awful, btw.
  10. I think I'm going to listen to Venom right now.
  11. Featuring The Guy Who Looks Like That Guy From Spoon
  12. I've been playing the Lego Star Wars videogames with my kid a lot lately. I thought they'd be kinda lame, but they're actually a lot of fun. My kid REALLY likes these things. To the point that he can't fall asleep at night because he wants to talk about how to beat the next level.
  13. I still think side one of 2112 is my favorite.
  14. I really like "Finding My Way" from the first album. I didn't know for the longest time that Peart wasn't the original drummer...
  15. I recently bought a Rat and Boss tuner pedal, and both work great. Rowboat's advice is spot on - always try to buy from someone with a lot of positive feedback. I paid a couple bucks more for both pedals by avoiding people with zero feedback and choosing established sellers. I also bought my Telecaster off of eBay, and aside from a couple of very small issues, I've been totally satisfied.
  16. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200805/cosby
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