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Everything posted by ction

  1. Raymond Chandler - The Long Goodbye
  2. Q: How do you break Joe Torre's fingers? A: Punch him in the nose.
  3. I don't normally mind songs I like appearing in commercials, but that one they showed 18 times during Heroes with the Clash's version of "Pressure Drop" irritates the crap out of me.
  4. "Jessie's Girl" is the best song with moot in the lyrics, but Rick Springfield is not better than the Beatles.
  5. I would totally agree with you if you weren't such complete moron.
  6. You know who was better than the Beatles AND The Band? The Clash.
  7. I'll never forget the time we spent in Toledo...
  8. I forgot the "handle it, handle it!" bit until I read a-man's post. Seriously, first season, DVD, when?
  9. Slightly off-topic...I once sprained the crap out of my groin while playing broom ball on that rink. Mike Eruzione watched us play and laughed.
  10. When is the first season of Carter Country coming out on DVD?
  11. I nominate "Patrick Roy" for his next screen name.
  12. Those matrix deals, done by someone who knows what they're doing, definitely sound the best.
  13. I guess you're only against making things personal with name calling and stuff when you're the one being called a name.
  14. I'm glad Some Kind of Monster was included in this list. Although I know it wasn't intentional, that movie is hilarious. There aren't many good excuses for missing your kid's first birthday, but flying to Russia to shoot a bear that just woke up out of hibernation is probably the best. "Squillions and squillions of dollars, and squillions and squillions of people." Dave Mustaine and Lars Ulrich crying...it really doesn't get much better. Group lyric writing sessions producing gems like "My lifestyle determines my death style." Yeah, that should be #1.
  15. I turned 6 that November, and really liked going to the roller rink.
  16. I hope he gets a movie review segment on the Howard Stern show.
  17. I bet he could beat the North Korean guy in a round of golf.
  18. Well, yeah, you make a very good point there.
  19. Best Beatles guitar riff - that one in "Paperback Writer".
  20. By using my fantasy baseball league I'm able to link to The Beatles and Bob Dylan in like 6 moves.
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