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Everything posted by PopTodd

  1. So, yeah. Finished that Holly record and I'm on to:
  2. Because the ground is breaking and swallowing that word "groundbreaking?"
  3. These are, in fact, the albums that I have listened to since getting in to work at 6 this morning. (The Holly & the Italians one is still playing.) I work at a desk job that allows me to listen as I work, so I do get a lot of music in during the day, yes. And then more in the car on the way home. I'll be posting more today, as I listen to more. Should be able to get in another 2 or 3 albums.
  4. No he's not! http://www.roywood.co.uk Who the hell you thinking of?
  5. Why hasn't Roy Wood released anything in years? C'mon Roy!
  6. Good Vibrations - Beach Boys Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix Experience Rocket 88 - Jackie Breston A Day in the Life - The Beatles Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry and, probably something by Ray Charles.
  7. Friend of mine wanted to cover it in my old punk band. Never did it, though.
  8. Oooh! Good one, but I would go with "Free-For All" as my Nuge jam.
  9. Really? You don't like The Kinks? I mean, that's fine. Just… hard for me to comprehend.
  10. Watching this on Netflix with the family right now. Really digging it, too.
  11. Yeah, the "Milkshake" singer.I heard an interview with her on NPR yesterday morning, and it sparked a little bit of interest that I would not have expected. She seems like a really cool, levelheaded person; an anti-pop star. And, while that appeals to me, it wouldn't mean a damn thing if the short little clips of the new songs didn't sound interesting. And they did.So I checked out AllMusic (as I'm wont to do), and the (4.5-star) review there further sparked my curiosity: Anybody here willing to admit a curiosity about this one?Anybody actually checked it out yet?
  12. Guided By Voices/Robert Pollard - No need to release EVERYTHING you write and record. A little editing would do wonders for your cannon and your legacy. Martin Newell - Come to the US, please! Roy Wood - You too!!! XTC - Please get back together. And please help Andy settle down so that you can play in front of audiences again. I've seen footage from the early 80s and you kicked all kinds of ass, live.
  13. Have you heard these guys? http://thethons.com Doing a similar thing, but their singer has a little bit of a Mark E. Smith thing going on, too. I, like you, am really digging this CBGB-sound revival.
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