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Everything posted by PopTodd

  1. Just arrived and now playing: Shrimp Boat - Some Biscuit + Daylight Savings
  2. Anyone remember the Walnut Bowl Store? Is it still there on I-70?
  3. Beach Boys - Smile (yes, the Beach Boys' version, or one of the many bootleg versions out there) John Cale - The Island Years Falstaff - Falstaff (for which there is no image on the net. yet.)
  4. Well, Poppy, you got me craving some Shakespeare's now! I was at Mizzou in the late 80's -- through 1991 and, as I believe I stated here before, saw UT on Halloween, 1989 -- pre-No Depression. I miss Columbia.
  5. I forgot. I met srm, but that was a long time ago, when I played at the Lounge Ax a couple of times.
  6. And then, the clip didn't air on TV!!! Although I did find it online. Go here: www.checkplease.tv and look for Uncle Bub's. That's me.
  7. I've met: LouieB Wendy Derek Phillips and probably a few others that I didn't know were VCers when we met.
  8. We had a giant, I'll be the midget: That's me with my friend Dave, who plays (palyed?) drums in my band. I am the opposite of foxy. And did I mention that you'll be able to see me on TV in Chicago tonight?
  9. The audition process started on the phone. Then, they had a big group of us over to Adobo Grill in Ukranian Villiage (in their party room) for a cocktail party, where we mingled. They brought us in one-by-one to have an on-camera interview with the producer of the show, where we talked about our restaurant. As to whether or not they pick up the tab, I do not know. I assume that they do, but seeing as how I did not make the cut, I may never know. At any rate, even the audition was fun. But I'm bummed that I didn't make the show.
  10. It's "Susan", my 1988 Squire Strat. Back when the Squires were made in Japan and still a quality instrument. Of course, it's hot-rodded out the wazoo:
  11. Just to remind you that this is tonight if you wanna see what I look like actually talking and stuff. And also to open myself to a bunch of ridicule from y'all.
  12. You're right. Those images were more than a bit much. Sorry. But the spot tomorrow has nothing to do witih my band.
  13. Once. First show in Chicago... 1994 at Lounge Ax.
  14. Listening to this now. Dear god, how I love this record. It's one of those pieces of music that I can genuinely, sincerely, and with no exaggeration say has made my life a better, more beautiful place.
  15. I was of the same mind as you once. Never listened to anything with synthisizers (sp?), strictly on principle. Then something clicked and now some of my favorite music is made with synths (Brian Eno, in particular). But I can certainly understand where you're coming from. Anyway, sorry for the hijack.
  16. Yes it is. And, you're missing out on a lot of great music... strictly on principle. Including that song.
  17. I didn't actually make it on the show, I guess. But they are taking some of my audition video, combining it with footage they took at my restaurant, and airing a spotlight piece this Friday on Channel 5 (NBC) 6 PM news here in Chicago. I'd much rather be on the actual show. Oh well. Still... Chicagoans, tune in to see me talk about Uncle Bub's in Westmont. Oh, and after the spot airs, it'll be available for streaming at the Channel 5 site. I'll post the actual link when it's upped, if any of y'all are interested.
  18. Sorry. My mommy and daddy taught me right from wrong, so I know! And you are wrong. And I'm going to tell!
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