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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Yeah, that sucked. The game's rescheduled for Monday at 1pm. Doubt i'll be able to make it.
  2. So what's stopping us from going into North Korea then? Oh right, not a ton of oil there.
  3. Just Can't Stop It - their debut, is a brilliant album. In my top 20 all time easily. It's aged really well. Always sounds fresh. Their other two albums are OK.
  4. A band for both dual singers/dual guitarists lists: Waco Brothers. Very excited to see them on Saturday at the Hideout fest.
  5. What's on that? (Just can't stop it) + Save it for Later + I confess + Doors of your heart?
  6. It was huge - we could hear them from the 36th floor. I would like to know if both sides have a Worst Possible Outcome timeline contingency plan. Who is going to blink first? How long could this go on? A month? A year? Will HS seniors be in jeopardy of not graduating? Not getting accepted into college? Not getting scholarships? Will the dropout rate go up? There was a quote I read today from the Union President, regarding ongoing negotiations, saying something like "we've moved centimeters, but we're still kilometers apart."
  7. So obviously people who vote against Obama would characterize him as the above. And likewise, there are those who feel the same way about Romney. Character isn't objective - it's a perception. And that perception is going to be tied to your political leaning. See the Clinton references above. Kevin G earlier stated "show me a policitian who doesn't lie something something unicorn rainbow shits", so he admits that Obama lies, but I'm assuming his tolerance for Obama's character faults is greater than for Romney. We're willing to make excuses for the guy we want to vote for. Isn't that how
  8. I would like to see the control of the content of the Presidential Debates returned to a third party. I don't think enough voters realize that the current format is entirely scripted - that both parties control the content. From wikipedia:
  9. I have a Discover card, which we use for groceries and gasoline mostly. Have never had a problem with it.
  10. Tell you what. If it makes you feel better, I'll blindly support every union strike from here on out, regardless of its merits.
  11. I call having to find a place to go, arranging daycare, or otherwise attending to 400,000 displaced students a shitshow. I don't keep a list of strikes I agree with, but one of them is the 1985 Hormel strike.
  12. I don't think unions are evil. I just disagree with this particular strike. It's a shitshow, and could have been avoided.
  13. If it's true that there are only two remaining points in contention - 1) using a new teacher evaluation method (the current one ie 40 years old) and 2) whether or not a principal would have the ability to choose a teacher to hire, or whether the principal would have to give priority to whomever was laid off most recently... The union's position is: 1) They don't like the new method, and 2) is all about job security - they favor the latter position. I don't like that they're using over 400,000 Chicago kids as leverage, and the only notion of "job security" I've ever known is: if you do a g
  14. It's not money spent on ads - it's money spent on organizing transportation to get people to the polls. GOP understands the importance of this.
  15. Just wanted to let fans know that their new album is streaming on NPR.
  16. mint.com is a good resource for finding a good card - with sortable/selectable awards.
  17. It's going to be tough. We made the same move (MKE to CHI) in June 2011. IIRC, That price range is right in the median for studios and 1BRs, if you want to be close to downtown. Of course, the further away from downtown you go, or the closer to sketchier neighborhoods you go, the lower the rent. Having a large dog will make it more challenging for you, as you doubtlessly already know. Check craiglist daily.
  18. In no order: 20th Century Man Sunny Afternoon Tired of Waiting for you Waterloo Sunset Victoria Dedicated Follower of Fashion Stop your sobbing Brainwashed Shangri La Skin and Bone
  19. Sha Na Na. I was in 3rd grade. I'm thinking it was 1978? Austin MN. This was when their variety show was one of my favorite shows on TV, so I was in heaven. Other than that, my first "real" show (all friends, no parents) was U2, The Unforgettable Fire tour, 9th grade (84?) , Minneapolis Armory. Red Rocket opened.
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