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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. To be fair to the other Fabs: my nominations of worst song by composer: Ringo: (50/50 shot here, no? between Don't pass me by and Octopus's Garden?) Octopussy's Garden gets the nod for worse. John: Revolution #9. George: Blue Jay Way (Just a northern song gets honorable mention)
  2. So somehow I'm able to do decently with my 401(k) (2008 downturn notwithstanding), but I'm guaranteed to have zero at retirement if I managed my own SS account? How does that work? Current projections have the SS running out at 2037.
  3. I'm just saying I'd rather have control of my own Social Security account - it doesn't have to be in mutual funds, which are handicapped by being long-only. Being youngish, my risk tolerance is medium to high. There's a whole world of things to invest in besides equities. Just give me the option is all I'm sayin.
  4. Logan's Run. I'd be all for starting the epic age wars, if not for the simple fact that both sides might think I'm the enemy.
  5. Well, it would have been gone with the wrong portfolio manager. Some made out quite handsomely during that period.
  6. Can I ask the kindly folks here what their position on this is? (privatizing Social Security) I don't know why that view is unpopular, but I'm guessing that the DEMS are against it since they use it like a bank account to shore up their budget plans. I would much rather have control to do the due diligence myself, and put my SS allocation with a portfolio manager I know and trust. And considering that by the time I'm going to retire in 30 years or so that the SS fund is projected to be completely depleted, I'd favor any system that puts that money under my direction NOW. I've been paying i
  7. Rodriguez is playing at Lincoln Hall in Sept.
  8. Seems like you should make zillions shorting those banks' stocks, but hey, why put your money where your mouth is? It's easier to rave on instead of putting your capital at risk.
  9. I want to hear the tracks that Andy Partridge produced for Blur's Modern Life is Rubbish. I think they're available on the new Blur boxset? Also want to mention the the XTC Live at the BBC album is great.
  10. All indicators for the past two years point to steady growth. Is that not the right direction?
  11. Screw them twice. One for their shitty streaming catalog. Two for their 30-day delay in getting new movies, added to the normal delay of competing with other subscibers for access to new movies. (What I'm saying is that if there's a new rental I want to see, I have to wait a long time to get it from Netflix. I'll just pay the $5.99 to see it on On-Demand the day it comes out.) Bonus screw for Quikster. So basically, I have no need for Netflix, other than access to new Arrested Development episodes. Perhaps I'll pay the $7.99 for a month minimum rate just to watch the new eps. I doubt i
  12. I'd throw ZZ Top in there somewhere as well. For longevity alone.
  13. I'd swap out Red Hot Chili Peppers for Los Lobos. Byrds should be higher. CCR is #1. The best part about the list is the explanation about discounting ampersand / backing bands, but then the single video sample they give for Pearl Jam is being Neil Young's backing band.
  14. Oh, and for the record, the Chinese badminton team played poorly because of INJURIES! http://deadspin.com/5931137/disgraced-badminton-player-announces-retirement-blames-poor-performance-on-injuries
  15. So wait... The GOP is pissed that this birth control provision in the new health care law infringes on an insurance company's freedom of religion (the govt is forcing them to provide birth control) but they're not bothered when an insurance company makes a decision (denying coverage for birth control) that infringes on a citizen's freedom from religion? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/01/mike-kelly-birth-control-mandate_n_1729242.html
  16. Re: the Badminton scandal... Dogging it in order to arrange a preferential path to the finals is nothing new to sports. Members of the Swedish hockey team admitted to doing just that in the year they won the Gold recently (Torino? I forget which one it was). The one Chinese team didn't want to face the other Chinese team until the finals, assuming they got that far. They wanted a medal, and figured the best chance they had (at silver?) was to avoid that team until the very end. To me, this move is similar to pulling a feint, which is an accepted tactic in many sports... The notion of having
  17. My take away from his statement is that there is no such thing as becoming successful on your own. Unless you were born in a vacuum, and never had any interaction with society, your success was dependent on your upbringing, your education you received, the loans you took, the scholarships you were awarded, the tax breaks you were given, the infrastructure you used, etc. Some people are deluded into thinking they did it all themselves. It's just not possible.
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