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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Can it even be considered an "original release" if it was purchased 4 years after the original release date?
  2. The new dude - yellow shirt with vest, works with Peggy... seemed too modern looking. Was distracting. Good opener. Betty is such an awful mom.
  3. Hey, I wanted to see Neil Young in his upcoming tour. Cheapest seats were $91. Too expensive, therefore I'm not going. That's how it works. But, I'm sure some superfan who has less disposable income than me will snatch those seats up. How that $91 gets split, nobody knows... I don't begrudge Neil. I fully agree that scalping is sleazy. But, I'd rather that money go to the artist than some middleman.
  4. I understand the concept of the Penrose stairs. Let me state my question more clearly. When Arthur was fleeing down the staircase, he was able to go down a flight of stairs, and the defensive projection followed him down. Yet when the projection arrived at the next flight, Arthur was behind him and the downward staircase had a gap in it. So, Arthur was able to use the staircase in its infinite 2D form, but for the projection, it had a 3D gap, and Arthur threw him down it. Ach, nevermind. My other questions were ones that I had originally, that were more than answered by the essay linke
  5. Christ - I see the same fans who went apeshit defending The Dark Knight are back. Can't I have questions about the film without the fanboys getting defensive? You guys love the film. I get it. You think it's airtight. That's great. I'm happy for you. .
  6. Well, it IS lazy screenwriting if you adhere to the Chekov's Gun theory: If you introduce a gun in Act I, it better go off in Act III. Likewise, why introduce the dangerous obstacle of Cobol Enterprise in Act I if you're not going to have resolution in Act III? (or any resolution at all, for that matter?) Unless of course, Cobol is just part of Cobb's ever-changing dream, which then makes sense. Dreams meander. The script even says that if you introduce unrealistic features into the dream, the dreamer becomes distracted and then knows he is dreaming, and things start to unravel. This fits i
  7. That's a nice essay, and accounts for the problems I had with the movie: 1. Why someone shouldn't use another person's totem wasn't explained 2. Why did Cobb use Mal's totem? 3. The narrow alleyway 4. Who was Cobol Enterprises? (never explained - fits in with the "how did we get here?" dream rule.) 5. Ariadne seems to have been purposely named because she was helpful in leading Leo out of his own labyrinth (and it seems that was her only "real" purpose). The fact that Cobb's "wife" (I'm not even convinced she was ever real) was named "Mal" should be a huge clue - she's "bad". So, I buy the w
  8. 1) If someone wants to pay $100s over face value for Neil Diamond tix, fuck em. 2) If someone wants to pay $100s over face value for Neil Diamond tix, then why shouldn't Neil Diamond get that money? Neil Diamond would be the first to know if the market wasn't there for expensive Neil Diamond tix. If the market can bear it, then bless him.
  9. So you're saying you've never flown a 14 hour flight first class...
  10. FIFA will put one out eventually. No idea on the timing, but they always do...
  11. Has The Clash's debut been remastered? The drums always sounded shitty to me (the cymbals sound, specifically) on that one, or maybe that's why Tory Crimes didn't last longer as their drummer?
  12. The thing that astounds me is their crusing speed on flats is something like 35 mph. I think I can MAYBE go 22, 23 mph, for like maybe 10 seconds, downhill, with wind at my back.
  13. "I voted left, though I'm leanin leanin to the right" Politician Cream
  14. Wow. Your take seems right. The head-butts didn't have any force behind them and amounted to love taps (the kind of love that says "Hey Fuckface, I'm right HERE!") and I completely agree with you about his attempt to ride the other guy into the barrier. Very dangerous.
  15. Need? ID and Debit card. I keep every little card (including a thick door code key for work) in my wallet. At least an inch thick.
  16. Back pocket people, let's discuss uncomfortable sitting... (and I'm waiting for the Brits to say something about 'fanny pack.')
  17. Carlene Carter is a hotty. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc03cTen8rk&feature=related
  18. Yes, I know. I was a Bad Boys fan back in the day. I just added the Bill Laimbeer line to be funny, and to note that none of the other Pistons were included in the 50th Anniversary All-Time team, much less hall of famers. (Are they? I could be wrong. I'm assuming none of them are.)
  19. I used to read this guy's column quite a bit back in the day. Nice write-up on the final.
  20. Where is the idea that Jordan, Bird, & Magic "did it on their own" coming from? Each had teammates that were named to the NBA 50th Anniversary All-Time team (besides being hall-of famers - this list is like a hall-of-fame for hall-of famers): Jordan had Pippen Bird had McHale and Robert Parish Magic had Abdul-Jabbar and James Worthy Isiah had... Bill Laimbeer? Is "did it on their own" code for "Had a GM that was capable of putting a decent roster together"? If Lebron had won a championship in Cleveland, he truly would have "done it on his own" because the rest of his former team
  21. Wow - what was up Letterman's ass? He really came across as a bully in that one.
  22. Back to good songs from the 90s. This might be my #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mE0MLB1X5Y
  23. Then there's this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGUMsxVt4YU
  24. please. I submit for your consideration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDsZMHW1wMM&feature=related
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