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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Yes, we can, since Steve Berlin lists both the Blasters and Los Lobos on his resume. Marie Marie is one of my favorite songs to belt out at the top of my lungs. If they ever had it on karaoke, it would be my go-to song.
  2. Mackenzie Phillips claims that she had a sexual relationship with her father, John Phillips, for 10 years during the 80s - initially nonconsentual. Awful awful awful (if true).
  3. So, episodes 1 & 2 in the can. I'm really digging this show. The rain of bottles/tvs/bullets that was showered on Herc and Prez and the other dude was a great scene - funny and dangerous and holy fucking shit scary all at once. I'm a big fan of the Pogues, and had read that their "Body of an American" makes several appearances on the show. When Lt. Daniels was referring to Polk and Mahon, I kept hearing "Pogue Mahone", (I only discovered it was "Polk and Mahon" by reading the synopsis on wikipedia) - Gotta think that was intentional?
  4. Laura Nyro?? Yeesh. Didn't she get booed off the stage at Monterrey? I vote for Slade.
  5. I just think that at the beginning, they didn't know what to do with Hendrix in the studio. To me, Electric Ladyland was the first one to really capture what he was all about (Little Miss Strange notwithstanding).
  6. I do understand - and likewise, I don't know of the the mono version - so hearing a Helter Skelter without the Blisters! line would seem strange, and not the "right" version. I'm keeping my eye out for the mono box set, but haven't had luck yet. Hopefully a Christmas present?
  7. No better place to start than a live show: http://loslobos.setlist.com/upcomingshows.html
  8. I don't know how common it is - but it's at fairs where ferris wheels and other carnival rides are. It's a tower that you climb up to ride a slide down (the slide winds around the tower) - just like the song lyrics.
  9. the distortion, the heavy beats, the riffs, the loudness, the sexual innuendo in the lyrics?
  10. What if it's supposed to be a proto-heavy metal song, which some people (including the song writer himself) claim? Then the stereo version's bass seems just about right on.
  11. I prefer their second release, appropriately named "Dose" - and I view them as Los Lobos on a good mushroom trip - not bad! David Chase must be a big fan too - Los Lobos & Latin Playboys both play over Sopranos end credits at least a couple times.
  12. They're one of my favorite bands. I just picked up tickets last week to see them on Halloween. David Hidalgo is one of my favorite musical geniuses. His tenor is one of the best, and his guitar work gives me goosebumps. I typically fast forward through the Cesar Rosas songs, but the Hidalgo/Perez tunes are great. I highly recommend the Hidalgo/Perez side project: Latin Playboys.
  13. I grade it: incomplete. Good sound quality though.
  14. All I know is that I'm getting very excited for this season - my league's fantasy draft is Thursday. I don't know how to value Heatley... Draft order won't be known until an hour before the draft. 1st pick is automatic: Ovechkin. I'm guessing Malkin will go 2nd.
  15. That's a myth that's only supplemented by Zetterberg and Datsyuk being late round picks. Detroit excels at developing their players. I had to look up Burke's draft record, since I don't follow the Canucks, and he was only with the Ducks for two years, and you're right - there was only one player of note: Bieksa. And even he's not really THAT good. So, now you're saying that you have to rely on your FIRST round picks. OK - so how are the Canucks successful? Their only first round picks of note on the current roster are the Sedins and Ryan Kesler. 3 dudes hardly make a team. They got their
  16. Exactly - look at Detroit. Name a single first round draft pick on their team. Time's up. They have exactly one: Kronwall. They traded most of their 1st rounders away in the 90s. And it doesn't appear to have hurt them too badly. Drafting is one thing, but if you don't have the system to develop your players, drafting doesn't do squat. The timeline on the Kessel trade isn't this season only. And besides, he's only 21. They got a 1st line winger from a division rival without giving up any bodies in return. If anything, this trade should be viewed as risky for both teams. For Boston, the risk
  17. I would have been like "If this is making me gay, then call me Jim J Bullock!"
  18. Season 1 Disc 1 arrived in the mail over the weekend. Really looking forward to getting into this series.
  19. So, the Tigers played their last game in the Twinkie Dome. Thank goodness. I went to an 87 Tigers/Twins playoff game there (and actually got interviewed on WCCO afterwards). I saw Sparky Anderson's last game there in 1995. (Bill Murray was at that game - I sat a few rows behind him. I got his attention by yelling to Phil Nevin that he plays like Phil Silvers.) I haven't been there in quite some time (moved out of the area in Nov 2005), but I'm looking forward to making a road trip to see the new Target stadium. The dome has been a house of horrors for the Tigers.
  20. Watched Rudo y Cursi last night... I liked it - not bad, not great. Funny thing about the subtitles - (the Film was originally in Mexican Spanish) they were obviously done by a Brit (wanker, tosser, bollocks, buggered, bloody, prat) but the spelling was American English (color, not colour). The translation word choices took me out of the film - strange choice to apply Britisms to two Mexican hicks.
  21. Jeez, a little early to tell? We don't know if those draft picks will turn into Brian Lawton or Steve Yzerman. If Kessel gets the Maple Leafs to the Cup by the time those picks turn into roster spots, it's a good trade.
  22. Both Obama AND McCain faced doubts regarding their "natural born citizen" status... John McCain (born 1936), who ran for the Republican party nomination in 2000 and was the Republican nominee in 2008, according to his birth certificate, was born of two U.S. citizen parents at Colon Hospital in Colon, Panama.[38] The city of Colon was outside the US administered Canal Zone and remained Panamanian territory throughout the existence of the Panama Canal Zone.[39][40][41][42] A brief birth announcement in The Panama American stated that the birth had taken place at "the Submarine Base Hospital."
  23. Interesting history of ticket prices through 2004 in Des Moines here: http://www.boycott-riaa.com/article/16060 Clearly we can place the blame of escalated prices on Moody Blues and Cher.
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