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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Burn After Reading, while not the Coen's best, is not a bad movie.
  2. I like the wheeling and dealing that the Tigers are doing. Looks like they are close to signing Nathan, but I'm sad to see Fister go.
  3. We used that cricket track on loop as white noise to help our baby sleep this summer. Worked like a charm.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ultimate_Monty_Python_Rip_Off
  5. Thankful for Summit Brewery - makers of my favorite beer in the world. Thankful for De Cecco pastas. Particularly Rigatoni and Bucatini.
  6. Thankful for my pal Leo, the laziest pug that ever was. turned 4 this year. May he live many more.
  7. Thankful for my wife and baby boy. First grandchild for both sets of parents. First holiday season with the young-un.
  8. One would think it would behoove Wall St to have more people contributing to bank accounts and 401ks, besides the fact that it's much more easy for Wall St as a whole to make money when there's economic stability and progression.
  9. ? Isn't cloture the ability to have a super-majority vote to make something filibuster proof? A cloture ends a filibuster, and can only be invoked by a majority. How does that prevent a tyranny of the majority?
  10. I love the cookies, love the nog, love the songs, love the family gettogethers, love the mulled cider, love the turkey, love the Lions game, love the advent calendar, love the ales, love the annual Waco Brothers show at Schubas.
  11. The best part of Palin's quote is the first phrase: IF we open up the dictionary.
  12. The best part of the story, to me, is that he had moved in with her! Not only had he landed a new girlfriend, but she had taken him in! She was packing his shit up - and he locked her out of HER apartment!
  13. Don't have either of those, but last night Miles Davis Sketches of Spain did the trick.
  14. For me - it's a matter of having an uninteresting office job, but not skilled enough (or willing to start over at the bottom) to start a new career, and trying to convince the missus that we could open up our own pub/joint, make it a place we like being at all day, make it our home, be able to spend all day together, cook the delicious food that we're good at (I'd handle the protein, she'd handle the greens), but then realizing that the insurance and benefits I have are awesome, and that on our own, we would be effed for benefits, but also realizing I'm in a bad mood a lot of the time because
  15. Whenever our 10 month old is having trouble taking his afternoon nap, John Coltrane's A Love Supreme always does the trick. He quiets down to listen to the music, and then he's out like a light pretty quickly. Works like a charm.
  16. Nice write-up. I tried scanning the zappa.com forums for a decent review but lost patience. Was Napoleon not part of the band yet, obviously? When did he join? Half the stuff I love from that era is the on-stage banter between Napoleon and George. Who is drumming? Yea, Gail sucks. There's absolutely no write up on the Road Tapes purchase page - you'd think at the minimum they'd post a tracklist.
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