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Everything posted by standenup

  1. http://brianakira.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/sarah-palin-is-a-cunt-t-shirt.jpg
  2. and apparently he begged his personal rn to find an anesthesiologist to come to his house and give him diprivan like a week before he died. she didn't do it. or claims she didn't...
  3. you just reminded me at a phillies game at citizens bank park they played "walken" when somebody walked. clever.
  4. real nice job on the piano, but i agree with the guitar. different though, i like it. nice job!
  5. is it going down rain or shine? or could it be potentially cancelled
  6. i find it incredible that jeff can somehow write songs that speak to people in their loneliest times and he is married with two kids. how could jeff tweedy have written "how to fight loneliness?" lyrically, one of my all time favorites and it came from a happily married man. i'm not sure how jeff knows so much about it, but i'm glad he does so he can give us great songs, and help people out like you and me
  7. i'll say YHF BT ST AGIB AM WTA SBS the first four are on another level
  8. i'll be there with my cousin. counting down the days..
  9. so i was watching family guy tonight on tbs and it was a commercial so i wasn't paying much attention. then i heard "you never know" and look up at the screen and low and behold it's a wilco commercial for the new album. now we all know about the sbs songs in the volkswagon commercials, but a wilco commercial? anyone else catch this?
  10. you and i over one wing? come on now
  11. my friend's cousin is the guitarist...he told me about them a while ago and now they're pretty huge, it's wild
  12. if you haven't heard railroad earth before, get on that. definitely check out their album Amen Corner http://www.railroadearth.com/tourdates/ pretty happy they're coming to nj, anyone else planning on seeing them this summer?
  13. haha we get where we want to go. everytime somebody is doing something dumb around here, chances are it has out of state plates.
  14. haha thanks. i love seinfeld almost as much as i love wilco
  15. hahah i agree wholeheartedly. particularly pick up the change through should've been in love.
  16. jersey has the worst driving laws. they just passed a law that all drivers under 21 have to be in by 11 and they'll identify you with reflective orange stickers on your car! yea!
  17. who were those dudes playing the 3rd and 4th guitars on the right
  18. how did you guys here this? i did some googling and got nothing
  19. was it really? i love king of the hill and i would love it even more if jeff was the opening theme
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg_Laq1LH3Q hoping for more commentary on the actual video from them but it's awesome anyway
  21. i never win a damn thing but please, oh please just this one
  22. won't be surprised if they suck again. their last album was absolute garbage, and i'm not sure how tom has been since then. they were great when they were fun loving goofballs so hopefully they aren't grown up again
  23. greyboy all stars are sick. that videos pretty funny
  24. that is a sick, sick tattoo. what song is it? reason X: you've corrected the wilco wikipedia entry from the top of your head on sight
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