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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. A sobering reminder of how so many things can change in an instant. My prayers to you and your family.
  2. I have read half a dozen online articles about it, but I just can't get my thinking in line with the logic of Jesse's reaction, in light of the fact that the doctors told him it was lily of the valley that poisoned Brock, not ricin. If it wasn't ricin, then how does Jesse make the leap that Walt stole the cigarette and poisoned Brock? He wasn't poisoned with ricin. And even if Walt had Saul/Huell lift the cigarette, how does that lead to Walt having poisoned Brock with lily of the valley?
  3. I agree it's very unlikely. I was responding to your contention that people aren't protesting about Syria because a Democrat is in the White House. The situation with Syria, at least currently, is nothing like the run up to our war against Iraq. Trying to equate the two and implying that partisan politics is the reason for the difference of public outrage is as silly as, well, comparing the TM killing with the OK murder.
  4. There will be massive protests if soldiers hit the ground in Syria and a long drawn out war ensues. Hopefully we won't get anywhere close to that.
  5. And the lucky folks in Chicago will get the Pixies opening for them. Pretty spectacular.
  6. I had a feeling that Walt was going to take that angle with Hank, but I thought it would be more of a direct confrontation. Doing it via a confession tape was priceless. And nothing good is going to come from Todd telling Uncle Nazi about the train heist...
  7. Uncle tupelo had a couple that come to mind -- "D Boone" and "Acuff Rose" (tribute to a label not an artist, obvs) And just because there's no such thing as too much 'mats talk, let's not forget about "Somethin' to Du" in tribute to the Huskers. (Sorry, don't know how to do umlauts on my phone!)
  8. He's covering one of my favorite Slim songs, Ballad of the Opening Band. http://songsforslim.com/pages/releases/nw4028-jeff-tweedy-b-w-lucero With Lucero on the other side, I'm tempted to get one. Auction begins Sept 15.
  9. I think performers who specifically don't dress up "in costume" are even making a statement about their appearance. What they choose to wear on stage is always a conscious decision.
  10. If you really don't see the difference in these stories then I truly feel sorry for you.
  11. Lydia is the dangerous one, despite her demeanor. Now that Declan's gang is out of the picture, she's going to need to do something to compel Walt into cooking for her again. We haven't seen much of RJ Mitte yet this season, just sayin'.
  12. Just realized it wasn't posted here, but they announced that Josh Freese and Dave Minehan will be joining as the replacement-Replacements. Both toured with Paul in the 90's for some fantastic shows. I couldn't be happier w/ the lineup -- great players and great chemistry.
  13. “We are caught up right now in a culture, and you see it every single day, where as long as we are negative and as long as we are vicious and as long as we can tear down our opponent, we don’t have to learn anything. And so we don’t.” - Newt Gingrich http://www.politico.com/story/2013/08/newt-gingrich-gop-health-care-plan-95540.html#ixzz2c6OSWPAR
  14. One thing is certain about the ACA... the truth about how it ends up improving or worsening (or neither) healthcare costs in the US will be under much debate and political spin for years to come.
  15. Interesting ideas. There are so many theories being thrown around you wonder where it'll go. I will say this, /r/breakingbad has been a major time-waster for me lately! I can see a lot of what you wrote happening, but I don't see future-Walt coming back to go after Jesse or Hank, but rather solely to take out Lydia, Todd & the others. The only shitty thing I see him doing to Hank is threatening Marie's safety to keep him quiet. But who knows. I do agree that something tragic is going to happen to Skyler, Walt Jr. and/or Holly... that seems almost a given at this point. But I have
  16. I think Christie has a really good shot at getting the nomination, despite being "too moderate" and too cozy with Obama for many on the right. It would be similar to what happened with McCain & Romney -- while they weren't 100% ideologically in line with ultra conservatives, at the end of the day they were the best candidates that the GOP could find. And right now, no one else in the GOP seems to have the personality to win over the public. That's all a long way off, though -- remember when Rick Perry was supposed to sweep in and easily take the '12 nomination? At least that was until
  17. Season 5B really hit the ground running. These next 7 weeks are going to be an awesome ride.
  18. I had a similar reaction to him, but via different media. After watching (and enjoying) the film, I started to follow him on Facebook. I had to drop out after a couple of weeks -- my arrogant asshole meter was scoring off the charts.
  19. But to a point that was made earlier, there's no evidence that illegals are voting in any great numbers or have any meaningful effect on elections. If there is evidence of that happening, then by all means let's see what measures can be put into place to prevent that... but the trick will be how to do that without unfairly impacting the rights of legal voters. I think the old adage re: our legal system applies here: I'd rather have 10 guilty men go free than one innocent man be wrongly convicted
  20. every time I hear Dave Grohl's name mentioned I can't help but think about a
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