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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Yeah, so I was right -- they have a database of drinks and have manually associated certain artists with drinks that they seem to think fit... but everything else is based on an algorithm using track names, summaries, etc. to pick something for an artist not in their DB. Cool idea, but like I said - very hit & miss, at least for the artists I picked. They should have a "suggest an alternative cocktail" button and have the site learn on its own.
  2. Fun site. Kind of hit & miss, though. I think a lot of it is randomly seeded. I did chuckle when the "beverage" for Middle Brother was a BOTTLE of red wine.
  3. Probably my favorite cover of a Replacements song. They really made it their own.
  4. Not as polished as the others mentioned here so far, but I love love this guy's take on Husker Du's Celebrated Summer. Significatly better than your typical YouTube-dude-in-living-room-cover. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhg-D5uSSaE
  5. What I love about their albums is that they're albums -- they have a definite beginning, middle & end. So satisfying to sit down and listen to the whole thing vs. track-by-track.
  6. One of my favorite bands at the moment. If there ever was an heir to the 'mats it's Deer Tick. While McCauley isn't quite at the Westerberg level for songwriting yet, I absolutely love 99% of what he produces. Thank god for Delta Spirit/Middle Brother or else I probably would have never heard of these guys. (and I'm absolutely pissed off that their show out here in LA is on the night of my son's 1st Communion. Maybe I can catch the Santa Ana show the next night...)
  7. Gentlemen, Black Love & 1965. All fantastic albums.
  8. awesome me? sleepy & a little bored. I should probably get to work.
  9. I thought it was an April Fools joke when they said they were doing this, but they pulled it off. Lucero covers Bowie Nichols may not sound much like Bowie, but the band nails it.
  10. Courtesy of the final scene from Nurse Jackie last night, I had to find out who did the twangy "We're Coming Out" cover... it's a surprisingly enjoyable album.
  11. Just a harmless joke -- I was a little drunk myself when I posted that comment. (As I am also hoping IRDB was on something when he posted that Dancing in the Streets video. Yikes!) But yeah, to each his own and all that. We all have our own preferences and many of the bands I like also have their detractors. I think what brought out that haters here was the contention that the GD were able to rawk when, for a lot of us, their music seems to be antithesis of that. But no need to beat on a dead horse.
  12. The Dead never did anything for me, and all the videos posted here hasn't changed that opinion (yes, I watched them all). Honestly I don't get the appeal -- aside from reminiscing about a particularly good acid trip when you hear that music.
  13. Just further proof that the Right Wing Outrage Machine is much better than the Left Wing Outrage Machine. Where's Al Sharpton when you really need him?
  14. Nah, he just acts like a dick.
  15. Either the lyrics do it for you or they don't. The first time I heard it, it was like a punch to the gut. I can relate to that song so well. Just listened to the YHF version and I don't get the Kermit vibe at all... but it is a song (like a few from YHF, actually) that I definitely prefer to hear a live version over the studio recording.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ox56kjygfo
  17. Yeah, I read that letter yesterday and was shocked to find that I'm in Axl's camp here.
  18. Yeah, I'm really at a loss re: how Romney is going to make his VP decision. Does he pick someone TP-friendly like Marco Rubio or Rand Paul to get conservatives excited about voting for the ticket, or does he pick someone like Haley and try to regain his moderate image with independents? Santorum pushed him so far to the right that it might be tough for Romney to credibly say "No, really, I'm a moderate!" on certain key issues like immigration and reproductive rights. Does he risk perpetuting the flip-flopper image and back off those positions now, or does he stand pat making the GOP base h
  19. I don't mean this the least bit sarcastically... what they put together for the "Here Comes Science" series is nothing short of brilliant. To make accessible, fun kids music so smart is no easy thing to pull off at all. Discovering those CDs (and having my kids love them as much as I did) was one of my most rewarding discoveries as a parent.
  20. I suspect this election will be like 2004 in reverse. Very few people I know who voted for Kerry were actually voting for him; most of us were casting a vote against Bush. I think many/most people voting for Romney in the fall will be doing it as a vote against Obama more than anything else. Not saying that's wrong; just my observation based on how the Republicans I know are talking about their choices in general, and Romney in particular. It wasn't enough for Kerry; we'll have to see if it's going to be enough for Romney.
  21. Just realized that these guys were never mentioned. I remember blasting this and screaming it at the top of my lungs whenever it came on the radio.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ckw4PhYw87s slightly different angle, but same event as Crow's link above. amazing seeing those huge trailers getting thrown around like pieces of paper.
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