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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I agree with this. I can't think of any band I like where I think EVERY album is GREAT. I've grown to love them all for what they are, but they all have the occasional weak track at some point.
  2. ALL the time? no one. Most of the time? some... current bands/artists: Paul Westerberg Lucero / Ben Nichols Drive By Truckers Wilco Delta Spirit Frank Turner Jason Isbell Bon Iver TV on the Radio older stuff / dead bands: The Replacements Husker Du Minutemen Afghan Whigs / Twilight Singers Uncle Tupelo The Clash The Ramones Pixies
  3. 3 days after the Comcast/NBC merger goes through and almost immediately after NBC chief Jeff Zucker steps down. It'll be interesting to see where he lands.
  4. ... unless said non-believer realizes that they get the h-e-double hockey sticks version of the afterlife
  5. I recall reading somewhere (although I can't find the link) that Ben was planning on writing over the break that they just had & were hoping to record something this summer. They're back out on the road with Social Distortion for the next couple of months and just signed on for the Vans Warped tour this summer... so I'm not sure if that means they're going to try to record in the spring or if it'll wait until fall.
  6. Or Jeff and Rahm became friends while campaigning for Obama. (or he might just think he's the best person for the job?) Either way, I understand the frustration. If a musician/artist that I like publicly supported someone like Palin/Bachmann/etc. I'd likely be disappointed and a little bit pissed off.
  7. I agree with this. I'm a practicing Catholic and personally have no problem with agnostics or atheists - yet even I can see that religion, especially Christianity, is everywhere in our society. I completely understand why some atheists feel like they're under attack, because I also get tired of it... especially when it's used abused in politics. And electing an atheist or agnostic president? Absolutely zero chance that'll ever happen in our lifetime or our kids' lifetimes. I seriously doubt we'll ever elect a non-Christian to that office, let alone a non-believer.
  8. Yeah, it would have been better if they kept the college kids away. Very strange; felt like a campaign rally at times.
  9. you can just right click and save the quicktime movie and then import that into iTunes. If that's not enough, there are utilities to convert the .mov to a .mp3 file.
  10. He agrees with traditional conservative (not neo-con and not religious right) values. Generally speaking, he sees very little of that in the current cast of characters in today's GOP. you can read his book, The Conservative Soul his blog is one of the better ones out there for political news & commentary. http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/
  11. Nice to see a tragedy like this bring the country together It is ridiculous to lay blame for this shooting on anything partisan right now. Yes, the violent rhetoric and imagery by the likes of Palin, Angle, Beck, etc. is wrong -- but short of actual evidence that this guy was influenced by that in any way, it's ridiculous to blame them for this incident. Yes, they are guilty of many things related to political discourse and divisiveness -- but I've yet to see anything which attributes them to this shooting. Apparently the shooter was also active on some white supremacist / anti-
  12. Promising Princeton Student Kills Self Over Rapes full text of the suicide note he left is here -- difficult to read. All child molesters should be forced to read the entire thing to understand how devastating that experience can be to the child, even long after they've grown up. I hope he found peace... just wish he gave therapy a chance.
  13. When we were kids, my sisters and I made a mixtape for my mom called "Station Wagon Rock" and this was a prominent song on it. While I must admit that I never cared much for it, this song most certainly brings back happy memories.
  14. doesn't look like you're sitting on a jackpot, but you might be able to get a few bucks for them: http://cgi.ebay.com/...=item19c121e1d2
  15. Unfortunately, I can't find a video or link to the song... but the Afghan Whigs' "Sammy" (off of Up In It) just came up on iTunes w/ it's killer bassline.
  16. I could probably throw a few dozen Minutemen videos here... but this is one of my favorites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCsIZgxY9lU
  17. Exactly. And considering that only something like 50-60% of gift card value is typically utilized, it's especially annoying to receive one. While I won't go as far as to call it a scam by the retailers, they're certainly very happy to sell you what amounts to 50 cents for a dollar. That said, I have given gifts cards in the past and I will likely give them in the future -- but I only do it when I know that the person actually shops at the store on a regular basis. But even then, I usually try to buy something for them at the store myself and just give the gift receipt (and assure them I w
  18. In a similar vein, my son got one of these from Santa: he and I have already burned through one set of batteries!
  19. Making me go shopping is not what I consider a gift.
  20. My apologies for being late to the party. What exactly does MN real estate have to do with European riots?
  21. Man, they really need a sound engineer for that shot. The staticy snare is overpowering.
  22. Finally grabbed this yesterday... really liking it. Unfortunately, I think Cooley's songs are the weakest of the bunch (he's usually my favorite). It really is. Just has such a nice feel to it. Can't put my finger on what it exactly reminds me of, but it has a very comfortable/familiar sound to it. edit: I'm a dolt. It's a Eddie Hinton cover (as I just realized was mentioned above). I must have heard it over the years which makes it so familiar-sounding. Still a great take on the song, though.
  23. oh yeah, Prince. I like a few of his older songs, and I certainly appreciate his musical abilities, but I don't think I've liked anything I've heard from him for quite a while now.
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