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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. ha ha, indeed - he used to be a thin, drunk asshole back in the Whigs days - but in a good way. i think this is the one you're referring to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBCbqNkb_O0 also classic: "You're young and relatively beautiful, let's go." and while we're at it, this is one of my faves alltime: I seem to recall one video (also from a european festival - wtf?) where he berates some dude in the audience for being an asshole, but I can't seem to find it.
  2. Missed the Oprah interview, but I appreciate the articles you guys have been posting here. Very sad, but yet still very inspirational story. But forgive me if this sounds crass and insensitive (I don't mean to) - but I wonder if Ebert has considered getting a prosthetic jaw? I realize it wouldn't help him speak or eat, but he might be able to get more expressive facial communication beyond what his eyes and eyebrows provide. And it might also allow him to look a bit more "normal" for when he's out in the public eye.
  3. Oh, most definitely check them out - just a great, great band with a distinctive alt-rock-meets-r&b-sound. Greg Dulli, in his prime, was the epitome of cool. "Black Love" is probably my favorite album of theirs, but all of them kick some serious ass.
  4. Of artists/bands still "alive" (i.e. releasing new music), I'd say I enjoy Drive By Truckers & Lucero a little bit more than recent Wilco. Bon Iver and TV on the Radio are very close, too... just waiting for more from those two before fully promoting them. Paul Westerberg was once at the top of the list, but he's unfortunately been dropping in my book lately... get out of the damn basement, Paul! Of alltime bands, I'd have to say The Replacements, Minutemen, Afghan Whigs & Husker Du are hard to beat. But the Wilco catalog stands up very well against them, all in all.
  5. unfortunately, I've gotta agree with the former governor here...
  6. Perhaps it's just urban legend, but I was under the impression that prisioners are especially merciless toward "baby f*ckers" (and guards look the other way) - both of which are fine with me. People like this guy deserve whatever horrible things that happen to him. And more.
  7. And it passed by a 70-28 margin. All in all, 13 republicans ended up voting for it... makes one wonder how many other bills that are currently being held up by filibuster threats would also pass as easily. This is the kind of BS that makes people hate Washington. For all their huff and puff, 13 Republicans thought this was a valid bill that would be beneficial for their constituents... but 8 of those 13 thought it was a politically better move for them to join ranks and obstruct. Absolutely infuriating. And back to the original point of this thread, it also shows why the spineless dems
  8. "Three Alabama Icons" - I'd like to hear more history of The Bear, Ronnie Van Zant & George Wallace.
  9. ouch, sorry. You should have read the article first, I guess...
  10. I was thinking the exact same thing. The only time I can think of that I let one of my kids out of my sight at the dr's office was when my son had tubes put into his ears. And even then, it was a team people who took him and it was obvious where they were going. I can't imagine how this guy convinced these parents to allow him to take their kids away for a private exam. I would never allow it, especially now that I've read this.
  11. http://chatroulette.com/ (potentially, likely NSFW) you can read more about it here: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/21/weekinreview/21bilton.html
  12. geez - what a monster. hopefully prison justice will take care of him.
  13. Pretty amazing how either Canada or Russia won't even make it to the medal round. That is, of course, assuming Canada can get past Germany.
  14. (as mentioned in my copycat thread...) Little girl, you're still far too young to have a heart that's been so broken It might seem you ain't got no one well, I'm here for you Told your momma before she died that I'd stayed right by your side Now I have to leave just a little while But I'm here for you Hardest part there is about dying are the ones who get left behind I know your momma wouldn't want you crying so I'm here for you Loved your momma more than she loved me When you were born I was far from Tennessee I came back home to hold you close to me And I'm here for you You're far
  15. I'll start... this one came up on iTunes today and floored me (as it always does)
  16. Indeed she did. Apparently reading a speech off of note cards is superior to reading it off of a teleprompter. (psst... Ronald Reagan, the symbolic hero to all ye Teabaggers, was pretty darn effective with a teleprompter...)
  17. I think I would have selfishly preferred a new song, but that was a mighty fine rendition of One Wing. I'll take it.
  18. I tend to agree with this. I'm opposed to the ruling, but I thought the manner in which Obama threw the SC justices (well 5 of them) under the bus like that was pretty harsh. Alito was responding to being surrounded by people cheering to (again, what he believes to be) something incorrect. Not like he willfully disrupted the President's speech or anything. This smells of people trying to generate controversy. Now I must go wash up... I defended Alito and agreed with ikol.
  19. Those people certainly do exist (I was one of them when I was in HS), but I think most people who think like that turn to contacts first and then go to LASIK if/when they get tired of the hassle of wearing contacts.
  20. My prescription is pretty strong, so I'm almost blind without my glasses or contacts. I hate waking up and not being able to see the alarm clock until I fumble around and find my specs. I also play(ed) sports and glasses are a major hindrance (thus the need for contacts). Contacts are their own animal as far as expense & hassle goes - I can't tell you how many times I've burned my eyes out by putting my contacts in the morning after I cooked with/ate chiles. You'd think I'd have learned by now, but it happens at least once every few months. As petty as it sounds, those were the ma
  21. I almost did it based on a co-worker's great experience with his doctor. Went as far as scheduling my operation - but something came up at work where I had to be out of the country for the 2 weeks following the surgery (missing the post-surgery appts), so I canceled it. Life happened and I never got around to re-scheduling the operation... and am pretty happy about that. My co-worker ultimately had problems develop w/ his eyes after 2 or 3 years. I recall the LASIK surgeon was contending that it wasn't related, but he was challenging that. I've lost touch with him... not sure how it turned
  22. To multiquote 3 posts (A, B & C), hit multiquote on posts A & B, then reply on C. works for me.
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