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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. A fairly optimistic perspective on today's actions by the senate finance committee:
  2. After listening to this a few times over the past day, my initial reaction is a resounding "meh" It's fine. Parts are pretty good. Workmanlike Westerberg, which is still better than a lot out there. Pretty much on par with what he's been putting out the last few yrs (although a step down from DGT & BoE, IMO). A clever lyric here, a catchy tune there... sloppy drumming and just-better-than-a-demo production quality throughout. I think I'm just tired of his all-solo, DIY style and would like to get something different from him.
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Ghost-Gloves-Cat-Wing-Boys/dp/B002POMGHY/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=dmusic&qid=1253466766&sr=1-13 another DIY effort from Paul. One listen through, I'll save my commentary after a few more spins.
  4. He's going to be Thornton's go-to guy = huge numbers.
  5. But is that because there's a shortage of physicians overall, or a shortage of physicians willing to live in the sticks?
  6. Is there demand for more physicians than what the residency program provides? I honestly don't know... but just because the med schools are churning out more graduates doesn't necessarily mean that we need all these people practicing medicine. how many Art History majors actually work in museums?
  7. don't forget about part 2... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQSdZWgflAA trippy stuff.
  8. I didn't hear Carter's comment that way. He wasn't talking about everyone who disagrees with the President, he was talking about the small, but very vocal, crowd of people showing up at events with signs comparing Obama to Stalin, Hitler, an African lion, etc. People who show up with guns and talk about wanting "their" country back. People who claim that now that Obama is in office, it's open season on white people - ACORN thugs are going to beat up your kids at school and kill your grandmother. National TV hosts who openly say (and never retract) that Obama has a deep-seeded hatred of whi
  9. I thought Grandma Nancy was going to go over to Wilson, pull him by his ear and make him sit in a corner after he shouted that.
  10. Speaking of Guthrie - this isn't a special deal, but I stumbled upon this 50-song MP3 album for only $7.99. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002CTSRSO/ref=dm_ty_alb
  11. the only insects I will not kill are daddy-long-legs, ladybugs & rolly-pollys, 'cause when I was a kid I thought they were "nice." Anything else in the house is fair game - although a fly trapped at the screen door will almost always be let free. Outside of the house, I'll only kill insects if they're a nuisance or a potential nuisance (e.g., ant hill or wasp nest too close to the house). Although I will admit that when I was a kid one of our favorite summertime "games" was taking a whiffle bat to fireflies... as cruel as it may sound, if you've never done it, you're missing out on
  12. I'm having a hard time distinguishing between scary and creepy, so I'll just go with my first reaction... I've watched The Exorcist probably 40 or 50 times, and I still get chills down my spine during the bedroom scenes. Scary, creepy, whatever you want to call it - the movie freaks me out.
  13. re: the earlier discussion about how much the wording of the poll question can drastically alter the results...
  14. you're giving Palin more credit than she deserves... here's what she said the "level of productivity to society" twist is the horribly cynical, fear-mongering part of it. She wasn't making a rational argument that even the govt's system will have limitations that need to be flushed out and may have consequences on the level of care one receives - she's instead creating this imagery of the gov't using this system as a means of thinning out the herd. They're completely different arguments - one makes sense and is worth debating, the other is lunacy. that's a fair statement. I perso
  15. John Stewart had a pretty good segment about this last night. On Fox, protesting against the president was considered horribly wrong and unpatriotic... up until jan 2009. now these people are portrayed as heroes and defenders of democracy. And to be fair, I don't have much of an issue with people yelling crazy shit and even being disruptive during townhalls (with the exception of those bringing weapons to the rallies) - it's been done before and it'll be done again. What I do have issue with is how "the media" (i.e. Hannity, Rush, Beck, etc.) portray these groups as being representative o
  16. wish there was a way to play all the songs without having to click on each item. and I agree, rap aside, I'm enjoying most of these tracks.
  17. recently used 'dreamed about killing you again last night, and it felt all right to me' - that got quite a response.
  18. Indeed. First album I truly loved. This is a great article telling the story of that album's production. http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Lifestyle/Features/torn-and-frayed-the-story-of-/ RIP
  19. Louie, I understand your points, but the fact that the republicans are worse than the dems isn't making me feel any better. It'd be one thing if they were changing course because of honest debate, discussion and compromise - but it seems like they're bowing to the pressure of a small mob of people who are angry at the idea of "death panels" and socialized medicine and that the government is somehow "taking their country away" (whatever the hell that means). And what's most frustrating about it all is not just that they're being spineless - but they're showing political incompetence here.
  20. White House appears ready to drop 'public option' http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_health_care_overhaul
  21. sorry - I must have misunderstood "from what I have read in the plan" to mean that you... you know, read the plan. I guess "from what I have" is the key part there
  22. woah... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124998537270122333.html
  23. Please share with us - what sections of the proposed bill talk about "death panels" or measuring ones "level of productivity to society" or terminating kids with DS?
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