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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. well, for starters I don't know what cellphone interference thru a pickup is supposed to sound like... but if you're talking about the *tiny* blip in the left channel at 2:28, doesn't that sound come back (louder) at the 2:34-2:49 mark? Seems like intentional noise to me...
  2. really? where did you see that? ugh... the one song on the album i really, really dislike. bad pick, IMO - a retro 70's AM radio pop song isn't going to do anything but reinforce the whole "dad rock" image/criticism. I think "One Wing" would be so much better as the single.
  3. About 5 listens in and I really like the album. Not sure where I'd rank it yet - probably not their best, but very good. "One Wing" just shines here - love it. "Bull Black Nova" is also very good, but I think I was anticipating something more badass/experimental. victim of early hype in the press, I think. "Solitaire" is just beautiful. The rest of the album is solid - the only song I can't get in to after 4-5 listens is "You Never Know" - those 70s-esque pop melodies just don't work for me. Reminds me of listening to my mom's AM radio station when I was a kid (and not in a good w
  4. just awesome. those two were made for each other. the covers, that is. I have no idea where Neko's preferences lie.
  5. ha - no, I like to think i'm only slightly creepy. I picked that pic because his appearance is how I feel most mornings (& afternoons & evenings)...
  6. I'm slightly better looking in real life. And I don't smoke.
  7. I dunno - to each his own, but great writing + great acting + interesting/unique storyline = winner in my book.
  8. some shows on cable are terrible - but you also have shows like Breaking Bad on AMC, which is beyond terrific.
  9. I love the idea of space exploration and appreciate all of the innovations that have come out of NASA and all... but I'd honestly rather have the billions spent on universal healthcare and alternative energy research. I wish we could do all of these effectively, but I don't see how that would be fiscally possible/responsible.
  10. I think the first albums I bought myself were Prince's 1999 and Bruuuce's Born in the USA. Haven't listened to either one in 20+ ys, but I actually wouldn't mind right now...
  11. once again, awesome job! And this thread is nicely packaged for someone "with connections" to pass along to Jeff & co. I think hearing a live rendition of 'Hoodoo Sue You' at some point along the tour would be the stuff legends are made of.
  12. My point simply is that I can't follow the logic of your argument (especially when you twice have said that it's "brave" to be on the side of clean water) to determine whether you have an actual point that's worth considering, or whether you're just a dude who likes to throw out conspiracy theories and hates spellcheckers.
  13. If you're trying to make a point here, you're not doing a very good job of it.
  14. based on the photoshoot pics posted a few days ago in the other thread, I believe it took place on the sidewalk/curb in front of the restaurant's parking lot edit: pics are here http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...p;#entry1321480
  15. wow... that dude is a law professor at Cornell? Unless he's doing one hell of a Stephen Colbert impression, that's a very pathetic blog entry for someone supposedly of his stature.
  16. Tags: Album, Art, Awesome, Wilco
  17. I like it - definite improvement over the last ones, at least. having said that, I've never really gotten excited about album artwork - at least not to the point where it improved/degraded my listening experience in any way. I tend to use album covers for identification purposes alone.
  18. I wasn't comparing this to what happened in the past, I'm talking about the present media situation. Bush may not have been mocked as much early in his 1st term because shows like Countdown and The RM Show weren't on the air yet. (Although I do recall having every minor slip of the tongue/awkward moment spread via the internet almost immediately... there were websites dedicated to tracking Bushisms!) Regardless, every one of these guys/gals mocks now - it's part of the show. I don't watch the right-wing stuff so I have no idea if they're worse overall, but what I saw in that clip is no di
  19. well, to be fair - if it were Bush or another prominent republican in the same situation, ordering a burger with *gasp* dijon mustard, you can damn well bet that Olbermann and Maddow would be joking about it on their shows, too. just a fat pitch down the middle for the politics-as-entertainment pundits. (I happen to be a fan of both KO and Maddow's shows, btw)
  20. yeah, that's pretty much what my vision of hell is... doing that hike for all eternity.
  21. ok, someone needs to print these out (esp. Hoodoo Sue You ) and give them to Jeff at one of the tour stops. It would be priceless (and a pipe dream) to hear him sneak in a few of those lines at a show...
  22. ...and yet, pretty much no one in mexico celebrates this holiday. the real mexican independence day is 9/16 - 5/5 as a holiday is largely a US phenomenon and almost entirely a product of the marketing campaigns of beer and tequilla makers. that said, any excuse for a couple shots of fire water is good for me.... we should just celebrate dieciseis de septiembre, tambien!
  23. I agree - this kicks ass... but it seems much too "fun" for this uber-professional band. maybe in the early days... but not now. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
  24. I glanced at the topic list for this forum and thought this thread was titled "Non Album News" - would make so much more sense.
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